I was part of the Link Meme Bloggers List in the early 2007 and the experiment lasted for a good 6 months before everyone went silent, since no authority bloggers dare to take up this challenge and everyone seems binded to the pagerank they have right now and afraid of being slapped again by google for link spamming.
The reason why Link Meme did not work out too well is because it looked more like a link farm(spam post) rather than a post with great content to read on, in order to get the results we all want to achieve, leaving a short review or leaving a link in a sentence will seem more appropriate and relevant than just multiple links with no contents that i can associate with.
Why i intend to revive my Pagerank Review in 2008
Once again this is an experiment which i am willing to try and gain some stats on whether bloggers are still willing to linkback to a blog which holds a pagerank 4. A linkback from this blog will help increase your Google page rank, your Technorati rank, your search engine rankings and it will drive some traffic your way too.
How do i Get a LinkBack?
Write a short review with no less than 50 words and linkback to my blog on a permanent post on your blog is what you need to do in order for me to return you with a short review over at my blog as well, it's that simple and easy. After you have done your review, please email me at or contact me on my form.
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2 Responses to "How Will Old Methods Of Gaining Pagerank Work in the Year 2008?"
I will be doing a review soon, it is hard to get a pagerank 4 to link back now.
January 27, 2008 4:47 PM
i think the same rules still apply just that you have to be more cautios when applying your strategies..
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