What is a Blog?
A question that you could have asked a long time ago to yourself, yet there is no definitive answers to what a blog is.
This was what Problogger had to say in his way of defining what a blog is:
"A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent ‘post’ (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom."
A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.()
Started as a Personal Diary
A blog was meant to be a personal online form of diary with written contents that you would like to share with your fellow friends/penpals from overseas and net passerby who stumbled across your home blog by accident.
A couple of points that you can take away with using a blog as a personal diary:
Expression - Expressing your own feeling on the net permanently so that friends who are busy in their daily life could read about your daily rants on another day.
Self-Thoughts - Unlimitless thoughts and feeling being painted on the post of your blog, there is no restricted to what you can or cannot write since this is your very own online blog.
Visual Effect On Your Blog
Blog's were able to allow pictures to set in, and this took a change to the blogging purpose of just composing a post with thousands of words. Online Readers found it fresh to read blog that provides pictures that are startling, interesting and worth a shot at looking at it.

Painting a picture worth a thousand words - "What could you see in a painting?" Is it the lush greenery that you see or was it that apartment that attracted you to continue admiring the painting? If a pictures can give you thoughts then it speak more than just words.
The Revolution Blog
The blog industry have taken a deep dive into revolution and so much so till it is hard to keep up with what people are blogging on, especially first hand news on social media,products and news from established companies. It seems all saturated already on the internet with the word "BLOG".
It All Comes Down to Competitive Blogging
If you feel threaten starting a new blog with a niche you are passionate and talented on, then you could have lost the battle in a psychology way to your rival. There is no millions of dollars involve in this blogging business, it all comes down to which blog provides the most relevant topics that every individual would like to hear on and that is the reason why there are so many blogs with the same niche yet they each have a unique voice in them.
Zero Knowledge of Blogging, Coding & Way Of Making Money
Why do i call the four most commonly used word as a business in time to come, every blogger who have gone through the period to read through and pick up knowledge of blogging in turn sells them on their own blog for free and in returning creating traffic so that they are able to monetize their blogs in different ways(advertisements or selling their own products eg. ebooks).
Niche Blogs that are sure to make money over time
If you have a fair good knowledge of how Wordpress works, designing great logo and also a creativity mind of a blogger. This could be a business opportunity for you to flourish in, since there are millions of bloggers around the world wanting a piece of that unique wordpress theme that you have created for as much as $500 per theme.
If you have not heard or found this word "BLOG" to be interesting, why not start learning how you can start blogging and climb the blogging ladder now?
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6 Responses to "The Most Commonly Used Four Letter Word On The Net"
if pictures are used on blog, it creates a more visual appeal which is good.
January 27, 2008 2:05 AM
Blog that's cool! is this 4 letters always use on the net???
Cool men
if i am a blogger, this word blog could well be the most commonly used word, i guess this is where you are coming from.
January 27, 2008 4:45 PM
lolzz, thanks for sharing, now i know what was the most commonly used four letter words :D
It was something interesting to use four letter to form a common word. A nice article afterall.
February 4, 2008 11:50 AM
Great overview. I am impressed that a 4-letter word can be so socially acceptable.
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