I left IE at the back of my com and have never look back to search and use it again. Currently now i am using Firefox and it's one of the best browser that gives you multi-functions add ons while you make additional referral money with them.
Make Referral with Firefox
Using Google Adsense Referral, you are able to refer your friends and users to install the quick Browser which enables tons of add ons script. For that you are paid a dollar for every referral who downloads and installs the Toolbar.
Make Money and Boycott Explorer
There are many methods that you can use to get your users and friends to do you a favor by downloading Firefox Toolbar while you make a dollar.
Authentic Way
- Invite your friends to your website and tell them , do a write up and give them 1,000 reasons why Firefox is the best.
- Throw in a Firefox Banner which directs users to download the Toolbar directly, have it at your sidebar or a banner 468x90 would be best fitted on the Top
- Go to your friends and relatives house to check on their computer and while they do not have any Firefox, download the Firefox browser through your referral link and do them a favor explaining why this is a better browser while you make money.
- Like the first point, if you are a technician for some computer repair company, you can help them to install Firefox browser through your referral link, while you make your salary count, you do them a service and make a dollar for every computer repair as well, good tipping?
- Does your dad own a company? If he had 100 computers in his company then you are ready to be paid by Google with your first sweet paycheck in an hour. 100 computers installing Firefox Toolbar which you have referred will make you $100. (Making sure your dad own a company filled with 100 Ips.)

To refer other while making a dollar, you need adsense account, so approving the account may take a day or so. Do it quick so that you can refer early to your friends and users, while you are referring FireFox, you could earn money through adsense ads so it's like killing 2 birds with one stone.
The destroyers comes in 3 setting which you can choose from
Gentle Reminder Page
Level 1: Visitors using IE see a message encouraging them to download Firefox (with a download link) running across the top of the page.
Firefox Welcome Page
Level 2:Visitors using IE get a friendly splash page encouraging them to download Firefox. There is a download link, and a link to continue on to your site.
Aggressive Landing Page
Level3:This level will not allow people using IE past a splash page. This level is very useful for sites that are not IE6 compatible. And there's never been a more important moment to switch people to Firefox.
Why Level 2 and 3 don't work well for you
I don't see any value in Level 2 and 3 while you could have made a call for your users to download firefox through splash pages, you might just lose your readers with that annoying page shown and that would be the last time you would want to do losing traffic, and remember without traffic you don't make money and don't forget the Adsense TOS.
You can still download the scripts which is available for blog platforms like wordpress and movable type, blogger users are not included in the use of this script.
While you may be using Internet Explorer why not try .
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4 Responses to "Would you Make More Money Online with Firefox: Use FireFox and Boycott IE"
That is one evil way you got there..
I use IE and don't see any problem working with it. I need a good reason to switch from IE to FF.
I am a software developer who always make sure that my websites also work in FF, meaning that I also have FF installed.
I won't just switch simply to be regarded as a cool boy, I am a man now.
June 4, 2009 9:33 AM
I don't know about that. I mean, although I have not been using IE for almost 4 years now, still it might be good or might be bad. Firefox so far is the best for me.
February 2, 2010 4:14 PM
The title alone made me read the post and the idea is good too.
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