Blogging have got a viral effect on close to 5.5 million bloggers around the world and that scale is just BIG. If everyone work out a plan to make our world a little more environmental friendly then we would not have any problems with the Greenhouse effect and how our resources are running off limited. Lets all start with ourself being a blogger, what can we help within our limits as a blogger.
Give up using paper and stick to your excel sheets
It is time you throw away those diaries and papers that you use every single day. Every piece of paper comes from the poor trees that we would have to chop and turn them into pieces of paper for consumers like us to use which we could stop to such act by switching to using labtop or tablet Pc for storage documents or even reading your daily events on a blog.
If you are not using the computer, switch off the power supply
You must have forgot that your computer runs on electricity and if you are not using the computer, it is time you switch off your baby and cut down the power generated to your computer, you save electricity bill by 30% for switching off every single down you are not using it and instead of letting it run 24 hours a day 7 times a week!
Check Your Emails Once!
You do not require to check your email every 1 hour, it is one of the least priority thing to do as a blogger. Emails should always be check whether everything else is done so you do not have to leave your computer running and waiting for the mails to come in.
Bookmark Resources
I am sure everyone does bookmark your resources to the topics you want to talk about. If you do not have a list, you should start doing it now. Don't waste your time searching on the net always for the same list of resources you need.
Opening Too Many Tabs
Did you realise that surfing the net with too many tabs opened can cause your electricity bills to go booming? You can do an experiment if you want to experience it yourself. Get your laptop running with no charger or spare battery, and see the lifespan of your battery between having multiple tabs and just one window being opened.
These are just some ways you can do to save electricity and keep the environment friendly. Let's hope this is cultivated into a habit by others, have you bookmark my resources yet?
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6 Responses to "5 Ways Blogging Can Be Environmental Friendly"
October 15, 2007 11:19 AM
I've been minimizing using papers at work for years and replace them with notepad and excel softwares. But I'm still handling papers for certain task.
Abusive use of energy is one of the most difficult habit. Perhaps we are taking it for granted and will realize that later when it's too late.
October 15, 2007 12:21 PM
Here is my comments :
- I agree no to use more paper but sometimes it's not applicable for some conditions
- Switch off your computer power only of totally don't use it. But if you need to leave it for a while like at the office, i think you don't need to switch off the power, just put it on standby mode
- I don't really agree with this one. If that's the condition, you don't need the push mail technology. And if you have to wait for 1 hour to check your email, you will loose so many opportunities coming through your email
- On this point, yes you can make a bookmarks, but you still have to use search engine since that's the business come from. If people don't use search engine extensively google will not be able to pay for adsense..:)
- Are you sure on this point? I'll try it..
October 15, 2007 1:13 PM
hey james, the thing is not everyone is on to bookmarking sites on their browser, so no worries, i am sure this point does work for some of the others who will bookmark as many sites as they can or else visit mashable for a list of goodies sites.
October 16, 2007 11:48 PM
To be technically correct, the tabs thing you said really depends on a lot of factors. If you computer has enough RAM then it doesn't matter whether you have 1 tab or 50 tabs open.
October 17, 2007 2:57 AM
ruchir, thanks for replying, yes technically speaking with more ram you can open more tabs but the more tabs you open the higher your electricity would be used..
June 9, 2009 1:45 PM
Thanks for the information.
As i was reading the post i found out that opening to many tabs can cause high electricity bills.
This is actually my habit.
I opening 6 - 10 tabs in one window not knowing that it has dis advantages.
Now I know.
But i am checking my email once a day.
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