An Alternative To Digg?

Swypefile works exactly like Digg, You have the ability to submit your works to the platform and optimize it's search with the preferred tags you want and also a short blurb(which i recommend at least 350 words) and in seconds your post can be swiped on the site!
Swypefile is unlike Digg and what i like about them is the wide variety of marketing categories that i can choose from and i can work on which is the most relevant category i can use for my post.
Why Swypefile will become the next big thing!
They are money makers like all of us and they understand what internet marketers want. They have included an optional Adsense revenue sharing program which shares 50% of their profit with you.

Using the Tools Provided

Swypefile provides us with bookmarklets to be placed on your blog for easy submission from other swypefile members.They were very thoughtful to provide an open javascript code and codes for 2 major blogging platform both Wordpress and Blogger.
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November 19, 2007 9:53 PM
wow etienne.that sounds like a real good idea!earning money too!
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