Past Studies shows that 60% of the bloggers that think they can run a successful blog have either given up on blogging or stop updating their blogs in a matter of less than 4 months.
Unless you are a web designer, Script Writer or someone that can actually help the community with your programs, it would be wise that you show commitment to blogging and post unique contents to create awareness and this will be your stepping stone to success.
A few pointers that you should keep in mind before starting a new blog that is already covered by many
- Ensure you are competed to blog about the category and not fall into the trap of being blinded by those established blogs.
- Have vast knowledge on the category you are talking about at the tip of your fingers.
- Do you have something unique that can make your blog shine right from the start?
3 Jobs that you can stick your head into which might be an idea for your next upcoming new blog.
Be a Top Notch Reporter
Are you able to get first hand information of a certain product that is due to release in a matter of weeks? If you are able to obtain that sort of information then ask for permission to pre-release a review on the product on your blog. Being the first to review a product that is not yet released is something worth reading.
Tell your visitors to subscribe to your and tell them to keep a watch out for another update on this amazing product on your blog, which you will explain with in depth details in a couple of days later.
Be a Creative Designer
Creativity falls on your right brain and the minority who are right-brain dominant often have a difficult time learning

I see creative people with a sense of style and uniqueness in their post and headlines. They tend to drive visitors to their contents and while reading the first post, automatically the related links which is well blended within the contents will take you further in depth into his archive and not realising you have taken 1 hour to finish reading what should have been a 10 minutes read on just one of his post. This is just one way to allow your readers to stick on your blog and navigate deep in your archives for more treasure post, there are many other ways to produce creative post, so with a little thinking, produce something different from the rest!
Be a Analysis Manager
You may not have resources to first hand news but you can be an analysis and cover in depth stories which are not covered by another yet. If it is a new social network, write on a tutorial guide or ways people can exploit to get gain benefits from them. What makes you think that an analysis manager can not give you unique quality contents?
I was pretty amazed by the results compared to a first hand informed reporter, you get almost the same amount of visitors because people wants to know how to gain benefits through the site in the easiest way possible, one of the best way to get return visitors is writing the hottest game on walk throughs, cheat codes, but this will take lots and lots of time so unless you are a game fanatic, i will not recommend this but surely you will get massive traffic daily because everyone is out to cheat a little and also a tip or 2 on how you can win this game!
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4 Responses to "3 Jobs to Drive Traffic to your New Blog"
Unless you work for a company or like other established blogs that can have first hand product release, its hard to be a "reporter like"..
October 5, 2007 7:47 AM
that is a wonderful post, thanks for the tips, will work on my new blog!
thanks for the tips!
February 3, 2010 8:37 PM
Driving traffic to your new blog is the most difficult task.
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