My DigitalPoint account was offered at $5, you might think its just $5 and is that too low for a DP account, for me its not really very low, with only 22 posts and its 2 month old, all i can do in DP is to post and reply with inclusive signatures below my post and its that restrictive, you got to earn everything slowly in DP and thats the rule before you can post freely in the forum.
I had this chap who left me a Personal message and it was titled "HI" so i clicked upon it and found it strange to have someone offering me a note on doing business together, but i was curious to find out more so i gave a reply and the rest is history.
I guess he must have been asking around for accounts that are 1 month old and above and got banned for that or maybe he gave a personal message to the moderators or even the admin to sell their account for $5, i don't know, but that is off the ethics in forum to get an account, would you have given him the chance to sell your account and earn that miser $5 that he is giving in return or would you ask for more or just like me reject the offer and miss this Making money chance which i find it is a worthy miss.
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4 Responses to "My DigitalPoint account been offered for $5"
I guess that guy is busted now at DP, that was a funny incident!
he should be banned for good , such people should not be in DP.
July 12, 2008 6:31 AM
Man everyone on DP is a crook of some sort. That Forum is notorious for shady dealings.... don't be suprised this happens everyday...
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