Do you want to attract money, abundance, and prosperity into your life?
Do you want money, abundance, and prosperity to come to you more easily?
Do you want to feel good about having money?
Do you want to be free of debt?
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, you are not alone.
Do you want money, abundance, and prosperity to come to you more easily?
Do you want to feel good about having money?
Do you want to be free of debt?
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, you are not alone.
The Myth about Money
The myth about money, especially in many spiritual circles, is that it is somehow “dirty,” “evil,” “unspiritual,” and otherwise undesirable. I believe that it is none of these things. To me, it is all energy.
“Money is not the root of happiness, but it is not the root of evil either. Money is the result of how somebody lines up Energy. If you do not want money, do not attract it. But we say to you that your criticism of others who have money holds you in a place where things you do want, such as wellness, clarity, and Well-Being, cannot come to you either.”
Forgive all of your issues with money
- All of our life, world, and experiences are the result of our thoughts.
- We are 100% responsible for creating all aspects of our life, world, and experiences.
- There is no such thing as a life, world and universe “out there.” Everything is merely a thought and extension of our own mind “in here.”
To forgive, we simply tell ourselves (silently or aloud) something like: “I am sorry for whatever has been going here (with money). Please forgive me. I am sorry for whatever's going on here. Please forgive me. I am sorry for the erroneous thoughts within me that have caused these money problems here. Please forgive me.”
And it is done.
Be grateful now
After forgiving ourselves, we then shift our focus to gratitude by asking “What am I grateful for in my life right now, especially in the areas of abundance, prosperity, and money?” If possible, we then write out our entire response, either on paper (in a journal) or on a computer. Personally, I have found it to be more powerful to write a “gratitude list” (than think of one) because writing focuses our energy.
Ask yourself “Why do I want more money?”
Determining the reasons why we want more money, abundance, and prosperity in our lives will help reduce our resistance to money, giving our desires greater clarity and power. Again, writing these reasons out will add even more power to this process.
Bless the success of others
What we see in others is what we see in ourselves. Our world is our mirror. Therefore, when we bless the success of others, their success becomes our success.
Why else should we bless the success of others? Because they are also showing us examples of what is possible. Without their success, we wouldn’t know what could be possible. Their success is awakening us to these and greater possibilities. For this, we are grateful and we bless their success.
Have you noticed that many of the wealthiest and most successful people give to others, often by helping them become wealthy and successful too? This is not an accident. If we help others get what they want, we will get what we want. This is how the Universe works. Giving and receiving are the same.
“Only what you have not been giving can be lacking in any situation.”
The Real Secret to Attracting Money Into Your Life
What is the real secret to attracting more money, abundance, and prosperity (and anything else) into our lives?
Go for the joy. Be happy now.
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February 19, 2009 3:57 PM
its very different to see law of attraction losier. I think it gives a sense of fulfillment to our life and meaning to our wealth. But still I think many people even take the law of attraction from the wrong end and see it as a way of control their external environment to make it one that will make them happy. Of course, this is exactly what won’t work since you need to be happy with what you have to maximize the flow of new things to you. Any mindset of ‘lack’ or ’scaricity’ simply re-enforces more of the same.
For me right now money affirmations is most Important.!
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