Enhance your website with RSS/Web directories!
Spotplex provides real-time ranking of blog articles based on actual impression count. The site doesn't list articles people recommended or voted for, but rather lists articles read the most in a given timeframe. Though focused on articles, the site has blog standings showing the top blogs in a 24-hour period. Blog articles are grouped by categories and tags.
Bloggers copy and paste code from Spotplex into their blogs and can track and analyze their blog traffic with the code's help. They learn how many people visit the blog, which articles people read most and how many people read them. Whenever an article of the blog is read, it will show up at Spotplex in real-time and get noticed by Spotplex users.
Spotplex also has a customizable widget where you select the features you want and then paste the code on a web site where the widget displays popular articles, latest articles and new articles from your own blog or from the Spotplex community.
To submit your feed to Spotplex, requires joining Spotplex and posting code in your blog. When a reader reads an article in your blog, the code notifies Spotplex and the article appears on Spotplex with a view counter reflecting the change. Currently, registration is by invitation only. However, if you enter your email address on the "Get your Spotplex code" page (no direct link) and the site will notify you when it's out of beta and accepting new entries.
DayTimeNews.com is an RSS feed directory and search engine that searches all feeds, not just blog feeds. The site has a search tool, topics in the tag cloud box and items in the RSS News Directory list for discovering what you seek. DayTimeNews also shows featured feeds, popular feeds and the most recently updated feeds.
Submitted feeds receive a static HTML page containing the feed title, description, a link to the homepage, and the 10 latest RSS items. DayTimeNews keeps the HTML page fresh by polling feeds periodically for new content.
The site has some default template text showing, such as "Put your text here," but it's a good spot for adding your feeds.
To submit your feed to DayTimeNews, complete the required fields in the form.
BlogSiteZone is a human-edited blog directory organized by categories. The site neatly organizes the categories and indicates the number of blogs in each one. BlogSiteZone offers new listings, most popular listings and top rated sites.
The listings pages contain a thumbnail of the blog along with its description, category and added date. Visitors can rate and review the site and report errors with a blog entry. The details page doesn't provide much more information other than who submitted the site. The site's layout and content make it easy to navigate, scan and use.
To submit your feed to BlogSizeZone, review the submission guideline before adding a blog. If you the submission guidelines suit you, complete the form to submit your blog.
BlogToplist.com is a blog directory sorted by the score each blog earns during the week. The list resets to zero when the week starts over (Monday 00:00 CMT), so new blogs have a chance to get to the top.
Here is how the scoring works: 50 percent of the score each blog get comes from the votes that are sent from the blog. 35 percent of the score comes from the amount of visitors the blog has and the last 15 percent comes from the rating that the readers provide through Blog Toplist's list. The blogs ranked at the top are the best, most visited or receives the most votes from its readers.
The site offers many ways to discover new blogs and entries through its directory, which sorts blogs by category. Or you can view all the blogs by rank regardless of category. Each blog comes with statistics including unique visitors, incoming links and outgoing links. One of Blog Toplist's unique features is RSS articles, which lets you browse articles by topic. This is a great way to find articles about a topic of interest rather than be limited to blogs of the topic.
To submit your feed to Blog Toplist, read the information on how Blog Toplist works before completing the form. Though the RSS feed is an optional field, it's recommended to fill it in. After registering your blog, you receive a HTML code in the form of a small button to put on your blog. This button tracks unique visitors to the blog and displays will your blog's current rank in your category if you're in top 99.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Filed: Blogging Tips
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