If you are not sure what i am talking about here with Feedburner or even what Rss Means? I recommend you read through the ultimate Rss Bible about how you can increase your blogging growth and credibility rate. i always recommend to a group of blogs so that you can be reading the latest news instantly through your email without being puzzled when the blogger will update his next article.
You can login into your Feedburner account and proceed to "monetize" to configure your Feedburner to show Google Adsense. Active the service.

You will need to sign in your Google Adsense Account by verifying your email and postal code or last 5 digits of your phone number.

The next message appears when your entry is successful and you have to check your mail for your verification link to activate the live ads showing on your Feed.

This will be the email that you will receive, notice the link that is blurred out, click on that link and it will activate your permission to allow Google Adsense to your Rss Feed.

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3 Responses to "Adding Google Adsense Into Your Feedburner Feed"
Very detailed steps that i followed and a breeze to sign up my adsense with feedburner.
I have been using pheedo for my Rss service ads and they are great, I feel that the integrated ads service in feedburner will do ease for those who are already with feedburner.
October 24, 2008 12:51 AM
Thanks for the info etienne. It is very useful. O'm integrating the adsense now..
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