Jason Pereira blogs at The University Kid. For more quality content, subscribe to his feed.
If you’re currently running, or interested in running your own blog, this post will help.
In the blogosphere today, we constantly see information rehashed and repeated… with more than 200,000,000 blogs in existence, many of them in saturated industries like make money online or politics, it can be hard to come up with unique ideas for your own posts – heck, the idea for this post itself has probably been discussed hundreds, if not thousands of times before.
You see, even though those niches are saturated, you can still make it big as a blogger… by embracing your own, unique personality and letting it shine through in your posts.
Although your may share many aspects of yourself with others, no two humans are 100% unique. A great deal of that is down to our personalities – we all have different likes and dislikes, different feelings and attitudes and it is that which makes blogging such a wonderful thing.
I’ll tell you straight – if your blog is similar to the thousands currently out there, with little to no uniqueness; I’m not going to read it and I doubt many others are either.
While you can learn a lot from blogs, especially in the niches that you’re interested in (in my case, it’s “making money online”) the main reason I read blogs are because of the owner. Either because they’re personal friends, or because they’re so charismatic that I just have to keep coming back for more… by allowing your personality to shine through, you have a much better chance of succeeding than your average cookie cutter blog.
This should not be difficult at all – next time your write a post, add your own opinion to it. This may seem like dead-simple advice, but you’d be surprised how many people fail to follow it.
How many times do you read a post on Blog B that says the exact same thing that Blog A said ten minutes ago?
For me, the above happening is all too regular. I’ve got no problem if you write a post on the same topic as someone else, as topics are scarce in the blogosphere and information will be repeated… however, it’s unlikely that your unique opinion will be copied by someone else.
So the next time you wonder why no one’s reading your posts, take a look at them and maybe you’ll understand why. Oh yeah, making the posts somewhat interesting helps too :)
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2 Responses to "Let Your Personality Shine Through To Become A Star Blogger"
April 3, 2008 1:48 PM
Hey Jason,
Thanks a lot for providing the information regarding this topic.
I always read up B Blog, they do have interesting writeup that i can learn and A bloggers are snubbers!
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