After receiving around five guest post from individuals in the past two days who have sneak in and taken the opportunity to win prizes from my blog bash contest which i am celebrating my one year anniversary blogging together with my readers. I am holding a writing project giving away attractive prizes which will be randomly posted on my blog and selected entries posted on my blog wins prizes which i will announce on the 14th Apr 08 together with the other 2 categories which is heavily flooded with entries and subscriptions through my email.
I am glad the contest is moving in a uphill pattern but i am shocked by the dull level of participation from the writing project which i have in total 14 prizes for 14 individuals who's article is will be judged and selected to be posted on my blog and i have to say that it is for the cause of having fun, while the prizes are surely attractive, the participation level is what i am looking for, so start cracking your brains and write in your entries!

The Task & Requirement
Your task with this project is to write about internet marketing,social media, blogging tips or affiliate marketing related topics. I am also keen in those who can provide me with resourceful lists eg. "10 Email AntiSpam Tools", "Top 5 Social Media Sites We Submit", i have no restrictions on this resource list theme, so bloggers who have something in mine got just throw me a list and submit it to me. Write it in any style you like, a rant,list, video or even in table form, anything really!
Once you’ve written your post simply forward it to my email with your doc attachment(please have it in microsoft doc) or you can email me the whole post at . Make sure you include your name , your short description of your blog (as you want it to appear in the post). Each individual picked and selected as my guest post of the day will automatically win attractive prizes from the sponsors.
The point of writing and Why Write In the Most Useful Way?
Be as creative as you can and take this in any direction you like. You’ll have a much better chance of getting your post noticed if it’s useful and/or interesting to readers and write something relevant to the topic of your blog.
Rule to all Participating Friends
You can submit multiple entries to me but you are only entitled to win one prize on this category and in order to win more, you can subscribe through my email or write a post on my contest and link to every sponsors that gave support to this contest. 14 Winners will be emerged and the prizes are announced on 14 Apr 2008, so good luck to all!
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3 Responses to "Guest Writing Project And Win Great Prizes"
I have written in and filed my attachement, cheers and hear from you soon.
I wish your contest all the best!
It is a great way to improve your content base with guest writing, submitted a copy to you.
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