In 3 parts which you can look for what you need:
- Introduction on RSS
- Rss Articles Worth a Read
- Feed Tools,Guide,Hacks
Rss explained to you in Words - This is a nice explanation on what RSS is all about, the benefits and reasons why you should use it.
Rss Explained on a Video - If words could not explain what Rss is, then this video by Martin can help you understand how you can save valuable time using Rss.
RSS Articles That Are Worth a Read
Why You Should Build Your Feed Subscriber Base - In both benefits and perspectives, building your feed subscriber base is very important for a blog. Let Maki guide you through with his studies on why building a feed subscriber base is important and essential.
Create your Authority Blog and Have a Large Rss Count- An authority blog tends to draw a larger amount of Rss count, how true? Do i need to blog for a period of years before i can extend my list of subscribers over at my blog?
Faking your Feed Counts is Pure Stupidly - There are a number of bloggers who tends to use other bloggers chicklet counter on their blog to show that they have a large number of readers but in fact they are the dumbest id*ots who could be marked and remember for doing such acts.
Do you Display your Feed Count Chicklet - Together with a group of seven bloggers who expressed their thoughts on whether displaying feed count is neccessary, Maki gives his thoughts on why he do not display them on his blog.
Increase the number of subscribers to your blog overnight - This is a very nice writeup by Mani which shows you how you can increase your subscribers from your current list.
The Trick To Selling Your Blog - Mark from 45n5.com posted a table of money online bloggers but this time it is to calculate the value of each blog against their Rss Subscribers and how much they are worth, you may use the number of subscription to see how much you can see for on sitepoint.
1261 Subscribers in Less Than 3 Months - Jon who created and launched freelancefolder, received 1261 subscriber in less than 3 months and how did he do it? He shows you in steps how he accomplished his goals in 3 months.
Tips-List On How To Increase Your Subscribers Base
10 of the Best Power User Tips - I have never seen such a list of great information you can use to help build your Rss Profile. This article is worth a read if you intend to maximize your Feed.
- Garry shows us a different approach, instead of writing all the tips on ensuring subscribers, he warns you on what you should take note and not make the same mistake which could well decrease the counts of your readers.
27 Lessons Learned to receive 2200 RSS Subscribers - Pickbrain wrote an exciting 27 lessons he learned to receive 2200 Rss Subscribers over the months of blogging.
40 Effective Methods To Build Your Loyal Army of RSS Subscribers - After having your Rss setup and rolling, the next thing you dread of is to see a big fat zero on your chicklet, so it is time to use these 40 effective methods to build your own list of loyal readers.
Feed Guide,Tools & Hacks
- Teli Adam released an amazing free 22 page report chocked with tips and lots of screenshots. I must say the topics covered is comprehensive and it should help everyone understand how to useFeedburner.
Feed Analysis V1.1 - "By the use of Feed Analysis, the number of subscribers for each month is neatly shown on the column chart. You can also view the number of subscribers, hits, views and clicks for every single day from the line chart."
- Want show your readers how your subscribers have increase over the past months or even years, now you can using the Feedburner Graph.
Feed Stats Through Google Analytics - If what Feedburner stats gives is pretty useless to you, now you are able to use Google Analytics to help you see more and go even deeper to analysis your Rss control.
Multiple Feeds drives me 10,000 subscribers - Matt cutt shows you how he built 10,000 subscribers with not 1 feed but multiple feeds and how you can direct all to one common feed link.
Rss Submission Directories - I always encourage new bloggers to start submitting to all individual Rss Directories available online. You can also purchase a Rss submitter Software which could help you submit to 80 over Rss directories in one click.
- This is a simple and nice hack that you can use if you do not like the email form on your blog, you can extract out the important code portion and create a link to your email feed without using a form, simple? - Have you subscribe to my to win my contest.
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6 Responses to "The Ultimate Bible Of RSS: Blogging Growth And Creditbility"
this is an exclusive list that i have bookmarked on RSS.
December 19, 2007 10:01 PM
Wow a tremendous resource. I may have to do an RSS post as well and use this post as a resource.
December 20, 2007 4:05 AM
Wow! Great article. Got through a bunch of the links but still have many more. This post is going in my notebook for later reference! Thanks!
hope you guys enjoy the list.
That's a lot of RSS articles. Good job bringing it all together!
Thanks David, Hope to hear from more users who needs a list of post from a post that could help them.
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