What does Easter Means to You?
Easter, also called Pascha, is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe occurred on the third day after his crucifixion around AD 33. Many non-religious cultural elements have become part of the holiday, and those aspects are often celebrated by many Christians and non-Christians alike.
Easter also refers to the season of the church year called Eastertide or the Easter Season. Traditionally the Easter Season lasted for the forty days from Easter Day until Ascension Day but now officially lasts for the fifty days until Pentecost. The first week of the Easter Season is known as Easter Week or the Octave of Easter.
Source(Wiki Eastern Day)
I will be joining a group of my friends who have cordially invited me to their place for dinner together with them and celebrate this day together as a family. I will want to wish all a happy eastern day!
Here are some of the reads i have discovered over the week that have me dropping them an eastern link!
Daily Reads
Making Money Online is Like a Clogged Toilet - The title caught my eyes which was guest posted by geekdaily on Johncow's blog and it was an interesting read i found and recommend you read during your leisure time.
Affiliate Love - This comes more like an MTV courtesy of Mark Wielgus who blogs at 45n5. He composed a song for the affiliate lovers and the lyrics meant a lot to the internet marketing community, listen to the song and burst into laughters if you know what i mean.
How to Effectively Sell Private Advertising on Your Blog - Zac Johnson wrote on the effectiveness of selling your private ads and i was wondering whether i fit into the category. I have been selling private ads for 8 months and the prices are at affordable amount which you can spend compared to what adwords might charge on CTR basis.
Blogging Tips
5 Steps to Write Effective Articles in Less Time - Daniel highlighted the point on how we can effectively cut down our time by half by following the steps he had analyze to be true and working.
How to Get a DOUBLE First Page Ranking on Google - Courtney had written yet another exclusively important article on how you can receive double first page ranking on Google which is the most searched search engine on the planet. Getting Organic traffic is must easier if you are listed on the first page of Google and with millions users surfing daily, it's no wonder you are getting more traffic than the rest of the websites out there.
12 Must-Have Tools for Active Digg Users - Maki always makes it on my weekly speedlink and the reason is obivous, while his posting frequency might vary from 3-4 days, the contents found is nothing but golden tips that i take along. This Post gives you a resource tips on the 12 tools you should have as a digg user.
Massive Contest Ongoing
Craziest Contest Ever Seen In Internet History - The Baddiest Internet marketing Contest, this was what Gyutae Park would have called, with over $12,000 worth of prizes to be won, what are your chances of winning at least one with over 100 prizes to be given away!
Etienne Teo Blog Bash Contest - To be on the fighting edge against Gyutae Park, I need to work extra hard in looking for sponsors and i must say i am thankful for those who have given me their support sponsoring and making this contest come true with over $5000 worth of prizes to win, my rules are simple and easy to tackle!
Ebook Give Away
The Blog Monetization Strategies - Matt Jones had a a cool ebook given out over the week and it was titled "The Blog Monetization Strategies". It’s a short and sweet read of 16 pages that gives you direct points about monetization tactics for blogs. Have a read and you might find golden tips you have not heard of before.
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8 Responses to "Happy Easter Day To Everyone - Speed Linking Time!"
March 23, 2008 1:05 PM
March 23, 2008 2:26 PM
Hi Ettiene,
Happy Easter to you! I am glad you shared these sites with us. i found all the blogging tips very useful!
Thanks :P
Halo Etienne, It is great to heard your contest is going smoothly and happy easter day!
March 23, 2008 8:56 PM
Thanks for the plug Etienne, I hope your readers find the e-book useful :)
I wish you happy easter day too, enjoy and good luck to your contest!
May 2, 2009 3:24 PM
I think this post is a complete SEO guide and it will really help.
May 2, 2009 3:25 PM
I am agreed with you that good content is always very important and plays a major role the popularity of a website or blog.
May 2, 2009 3:26 PM
Happy Easter to everyone......
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