What are the benefits and advantages i can get from setting up a blog contest, what is the motive behind all these acts which takes place in a transparent world to the readers who are just overly engross with the prizes they can win, participating in the contest gives you the probability of winning so you join the contest. What makes a contest successful depends greatly on a few factors which i will cover later in the post. Will you join these contest which gives out fantastic cash and prizes to the readers? The answer is Yes.
Look through the blog contest that they are holding and see if you can capture a common goal that each individual is driving. What makes these contest a revolutionary change compared to the older ways of using contest marketing.
$500 worth of Cash & Prizes to be won! -Tw3o
$4000 worth of prizes to be won! - David Airey
$7200 worth of cash and prizes to be won! - Winningtheweb
$9000 worth of cash and prizes to be won! - Carlocab
$11000 in Prizes to be won! -General Marketing Blog
$54000 in Prizes to be won! - Problogger
Old vs New Contest Marketing
My very first blog that i have seen holding a contest was when John Chow is already establishing himself as a weekly contest blogger, who gives out freebies like technology and sponsors that are willing to share their products through John Chow and in return both parties gains what they have intitial set out to aim for.

Sponsor - They receive 3rd party(referral) traffic from John's Review of the product in his contest post which John gives critics on how well this product will work for you and so on. Sponsors gains customers and consumers who are willing to spend money on their other related products visiting their website.
The above is a typical old contest marketing strategy that is still being used now in the ever competitive blog world which targets more on the new contest marketing. I will touch on now the new marketing strategy a blogger will apply to attract tons of readers and visitors who are looking for a chance to grab the prizes that your contest gives.
I would like to use as a good example of being successful in using this new method which took the blog sphere by storm.

Sponsors - A huge list of sponsors gave products, voucher and even cash so as to attract problogger readers to their website to sell their products, using a high traffic blog increases the chances of you doing business with more targeted audiences. This is better than buying ads through Google Adwords!
Ultimately Problogger and the sponsors will receive large amount of traffic and constant benefits to both parties. Don't you agree on that point?
Why would Sponsors throw a $1000 value worth of prizes on your blog?
Why not? If i could use a $1000 valued prize which i created myself and make more money by selling products to your targeted readers who visits my site, it gives me great pleasure to sponsor your blog in this contest, it does make sense. Sponsors must get something back in return and this would be cheap advertising as compared to advertising with PPC programs which could easily hit $1.17 per click.
Why are contest so popular?
Contest becomes popular when the prizes attracts another party, when there is a chance to win or take back something which is not bought from your own pocket, i think it does not hurt giving a shot at it. Contest are so popular in the circle of bloggers because they help establish bloggers prolific status and also subscribers to their blog which is their aim.
Have you ever thought of holding your very own large contest? If you have then the first thing you should do is to ask. Majority of bloggers who envy those who could hold contest that huge do not understand how they receive such applauding results and sponsors. They talk about it on their blog and send out emails to potential and relevant owners who can sponsor one or two of their products in return of traffic and selling their brand on blogs which is cheap and powerful way of doing business.
I have personally contacted a number of sponsors who are willing to give out products they own at zero dollars but values above $100 and how much will they pay to receive consumers to their products? Zero dollar! I do not see a reason why a sponsor want to decline a contest like this since it is one of the cheapest form of advertising with minimum output and maximum input which is a win-win situation for both you and me. If you own a product related to internet marketing, social media script and even giving out cash or banner adspace, please do contact me as i am going to hold a contest very soon with exciting prizes to be given out on my blog.
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24 Responses to "A Revolutionary Change In Contest Marketing: How it Works Extremely Well On Blogs"
Excellent writeup which was interesting to read.
Great write up!
I like the pic :)
Where did the picture of john killing hte panda come from..that is so interesting!
Where do they find that many sponsors over such a period.That is unbelievable!
This is good well worth, i mean if it does work out with so many bloggers giving you support then its great!
March 15, 2008 8:26 PM
does it work that much good really? I was confused about the point. Thinking.
April 15, 2008 8:15 PM
Thats so great writing and the pic is so cool I like the pic.
May 2, 2008 12:45 PM
Thats a good photography. I wish I would be a good photographer.
May 10, 2008 1:50 PM
ya me too I was confused about the point. Thinking.
June 5, 2008 5:43 PM
Oh no dont kill the taddy he is a cute and innocent.
June 14, 2008 7:08 PM
The writing is cool but the pic is awesome. Where did you get that Pic. Nice Write up.
June 17, 2008 6:50 PM
Nice one really nice pic. I have some fascination with photography.
July 16, 2008 11:52 AM
Excellent idea. Businesses are more than happy to sponsor prizes when the payout to them is all about further branding, exposure and especially direct traffic, so long as the traffic is convertible.
July 16, 2008 2:46 PM
I have tried this on my Wedding Blog, and it was also very effective. Who doesn't want free advertising for products or services? It's the same way that large business sponsors events in the offline world.
August 4, 2008 5:10 AM
Agreed. The basic idea here simple -people want free stuff, suppliers want cheap advertising. If you have a large blog following, this is a potential market for any retailer. Arguably, this is way 'cooler' than posting ads as well. People dont jsut see the product, they get involved and even 'imagine' owning the product (prize).
September 4, 2008 8:40 AM
I was thinking along the lines of a different type of contest to get your blog boosted up, maybe even a blog that only does contests, and once you build traffic you can start inserting your adverts.
Imagine only spending $1000 for thousands of visitors who just keep coming back. I'll probably try this out, however I'm a bit lost on how to promote it - don't just want one person in your contest.
September 9, 2008 7:23 AM
This type of viral-esque marketing is awesome because everyone wins. Thats really the key!
September 11, 2008 6:33 AM
No question - theres a need to get creative. Chow is the master at this....
September 17, 2008 6:38 AM
It seems like this type of advert / marketing would depend on you getting a semi moderate following before implementation. Viral is key!!!!
September 20, 2008 11:14 PM
A lot of contests fail b/c there isn't enough hype on the subject, so how would you get everyone talking about your contest? Definitely the prize size has an impact, but I'm not quite sure if that's enough..
November 23, 2008 1:30 AM
$54000 in Prizes to be won! - Problogger I can never hold such contests for anything and not sure he prize size has an impact
November 26, 2008 3:37 PM
The prize amount is great. I think that these are best way to promote your business through internet. Yes i liked too the picture. Hey man you are cruel, don't cut the toady.
January 13, 2009 12:12 AM
Thanks again! Keep it up!
June 10, 2009 4:43 PM
This is very nice photography.
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