Who is Smallfishbigmoney?
Fabien's statement is very clear and objective about how he aims to help every single one who approaches him to help make money from the blog/site you own. Big words from a young teenage at the age of just 15 years old who lives in Australia is is real fired up to let the crowd know that even at his age, it is possible to make money online.
More than just a Fish Blog
Don't be mistaken by the fishes on the background, this is no blog teaching you techniques and ways on how you can do fishing better out in the sea, Web designing and Entrepreneurship is what Fabien experienced over the years and this is why his blog is started to help those who wants to understand business, entrepreneurship and marketing management.

Terrific Traffic Ebook
Subscribe to his Newsletter and get a compiled version of Terrific Traffic which he had wrote over time on his blog. The content will expose your blog to many alternatives to increase and multiple your traffic in the fastest ways ever, no longer the old methods of using traffic exchange program which users are only interesting in viewing for the few seconds to gain credit, while you receive a creditable amount of visitors, you are losing potential profits which you can make luring these small fishes in a net which this Ebook covers and amazing knowledge coming from a young guy which i am impressed.
I will give you the links to his 5 part series if you want a sneek preview but i will recommend that you subscribe to his newsletter on the top right corner for new freebies that Fabien have installed for his subscribers!
Terrific Traffic Part 1 - Traffic is the heart of blogging
Terrific Traffic Part 2 - Paid Traffic
Terrific Traffic Part 3 - Bumping Up the PR (Public Relations)
Terrific Traffic Part 4 - Repeat Visitors
Terrific Traffic Part 5 - Your Successes…YES YOU!
Fabien Offers Blog Consultation at Zero Cost!

Bookmark Post worth reading over your weekends
Consulting takes up individual's time and space, instead of neglecting his blog, Fabien continues to deliver unique and compelling content over at his blog. Some of his most popular posts include:
- 10 Top Tips for A Better Blog
Effective Time Management Strategies
- 10 Top Tips for Blogging Success
5 Easy To Implement Blog Improvement Tips
SmallfishBigMoney creates wealth from a different approach
You might have noticed that Fabien did not want to clutter his advertisement program under one blog which could be the biggest income in quantity of flow in traffic which his Terrific Traffic talks about. I am sure many are absolutely digusted by blogs that aggressive place ads in every paragraph of contents which simply kills me from reading on whatever good quality information he had installed for me. Making a small profit comes from his strategic banners placed around the blog and it is not in the way of readers view, making his writeup a pleasant read.
Expanding Fabien's Route To Success
My advice to Fabien would be to start another 2 more sites, expanding his business by creating premium themes for wordpress users which is a lucrative business, base on his current blog design, it is worth $300 per theme sold by many other wordpress designers. He could also start another website offering blog consultation and releasing a comprehensive ebook and podcast material which can be downloaded by users for a one time subscription.
Fabien looks set to evolve together with his blog as he grow and expands, Please check the site out and tell him what you think of it. My note to him is his alternative route to success by creating another 2 more websites to cover the topics he is good at. Overall, i am glad i have subscribed to his blog and read his ebook which covers a large aspect of gaining constant traffic!
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6 Responses to "How You Can Be Lured and Hooked By Making Big Money"
March 10, 2008 6:03 PM
Hey Etienne, thanks for the blog review. It is much appreciated, I definitely got my money's worth!
Sorry about the application on the right sidebar, I have been meaning to change that, I was using Plugoo but it was increasing load time, so I removed it a couple of months ago.
I have now changed it, thanks for the heads up. I will definitely be embarking on a few other projects in the very near future, this includes the release of a product in another specialty area of mine and a couple of sites as well.
I encourage everyone reading the post to subscribe via RSS feed to stay up to date with my site and get the latest blogosphere news.
Thank you Etienne and all your for taking the time to read the review and I hope you check out the site soon!
Kind Regards,
Teen Blogger Fabien
Small Fish Big Money Dot Com
This was an excellent form of review that was covered in a structured way and i like it, i will want to have my site covered soon.
I am a reader on fabien blog and his terrific traffic blast me away with many new ideas i can use for my growth of traffic.
March 11, 2008 6:06 AM
Thank you SlimShadow Coast, good to know that you are enjoying the content, I will definitely keep outputting new ideas and results from my trials in the blogosphere as soon as I can!
Many thanks,
March 11, 2008 3:08 PM
Oops! Sorry, *SlimShadCow Host.
Thanks, Fabien
May 2, 2008 5:04 PM
I encourage everyone reading the post to subscribe via RSS feed to stay up to date with my site and get the latest blogosphere news.
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