4 months ago, i wrote a post on 101 tips i learned from blogging and today i will let you know why the 102nd tip got me doubling my income and also gave me spare time though i have lost readers over time from the lack of daily posting which i usually do.
Gradually you can see me posting 2-3 days one time, the reason behind this is to create time and space for me to work effectively and create income opportunities online which i am committed to. I do not want to forget about the blog i have created and let it just rot and die on the net, instead i re-schedule my time and allow myself to set a 2-3 day posting system and i am free of some valuable time to earn a different income.
The question arises "ain't you making money through your blog already?" The answer is Yes but it does not make much which i can frankly tell you. If you had followed my last income report which was in August 2007 and the reason i have stopped is because most of the earnings i make is from eBay and not from blogging, while i am a comfortable 4 figure earner, i am always finding new experimental ways to earn money with my blog and that could be a reason why i am always making hundreds with the limitation of readers i have on my blog.
Why You Should Drop Your Eggs In One Basket
My Lecturer always tells me never to put all your eggs in one basket, which means dividing your eggs and having them placed around, even if you have lost 2 eggs, there are 8 more to rely on. While i might have lost a certain percentage of readers but what i have gain is a different way of seeing how i should care more of myself. Why should readers believe in me making money online and all my resources when i do not make that much. The answer is simple, the contents and resources given here are of quality and i always try to answer my readers questions over on my blog if there is any which you are free to contact me if there is any queries on blogging or resources you need.
Rescheduling the way you work
My decision to work for another source of income on the internet doubled my earnings within a fortnight and i am not regretting the decision i made to lose a group of readers. That is also the reason why my from 190 to 367 in 2 months time. I don't see that i have made a big loss and thought that by rescheduling my time and posting frequency, i can double my earnings. By doing that i also do not want to totally neglect my blog so i thought a 2-3 day posting frequency is good enough.
Why Have I Not Had Any Guest Bloggers?
I would love to hear from different categories not only make money online alone. I might be looking at a number of bloggers who are actively guest posting for others which i will be glad that they throw me one of their post on my blog. I thought the topic on guest posting is no longer a taboo and it should be encouraged on individual blogs. It is one of the easiest way to convert contents into readers and also building up a profile for your new blog.
2-3 Day A Post Keeps Me Breathing
While i have many Projects and new assignments to complete, 2-3 days a post gives me sufficient time to complete what i have leftover. I am sure many bloggers have been changing the way they post so this is not something completely new to everyone. I want to take this chance to also let everyone know that, when opportunities strikes, learn to keep a clear balance mind of which you should take to prioritize otherwise you might be the one struggling to survive and hanging on to the buoy in the vast blue ocean with no one to your rescue.
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3 Responses to "The 102nd Tip I Learned From Blogging"
I am sure you have learned it based on earning money and that should not be a stop for us, since income becomes our interest but don't be to digress with money and forget the people.
February 15, 2008 6:20 PM
i think everyone has their own methods in making money online
i'm about 80% different from you :p
February 21, 2008 9:57 PM
i don't really agree with michael
dropping all inside one basket could jst mean either failure or tremendous success!
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