I am sure you have heard how well they are paying on a per click basis and that could be the trigger to why others are thinking this is a skeptical program to join and do not want to waste time on it but do you have anything to lose in the first place?
I am sure Widgetbucks will prove everyone that they are serious in making money together with all of us when they will pay those who have made the $50 dollar mark but only after 45 days from the last day of each month, we might have to wait till Dec 2007 then will we receive the news of a real payment from someone, why not take this opportunity to experiment this new ad service instead of just sitting there thinking it is a scam!
Tip: If you own a Technology Blog, using WidgetBucks might make you more money than what Google Adsense is providing because i have my first click on a newly experimented technology blog in just hours and while it is against the TOS to reveal the Click Rate, all i can say is it is still doing decently well as i improve and try to push my blog to the limit and increase my traffic to increase my income since relevant product is shown to invite curiosity, so have you started to use WidgetBucks on your Blog?
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3 Responses to "Is WidgetBucks A Scam?"
>> http://widgetbucks-scam.blogspot.com/ <<
November 11, 2007 9:49 PM
Oh guys,this widgetbucks is a pure scam.
I have been with them 2 months, today jan 30, when the time came to pay me, they suspended my account without pay, saying that each click must likely lead to a purchase from the ad your visitors clicking on at your site-otherwise it is a fraud.
My friend’s account was suspended too-same reason,and many others.
So my 1500 bucks are gone, i am sick and tired of these scammers like widgetbucks, so want more info-send me an email I will explain you their game.
In short ,this guys will get their money for my visitors’ clicks, but when time comes to pay publisher-they suspend the account and save his money too.
A pay per click rate is 3-6 dollars from the merchant, they promise 10-40 cents per click to the publisher, they do not pay you for the first 2 months/so that you do not understand the game, then they suspend your account and -ALL MONEY I THEIR POCKET.
Good luck-if you find something else-let me know
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