Widgetbucks seems to be the next hype ad network to take over Adsense but i was puzzled why my rates are dropping since i had an impressive $0.56 click rate, I made $24.57 and then suddenly it drops to $23.34 but with an increase number of clicks, surprising i never made it for the first withdraw over time and now i am still stuck at $23.20. This would be the end of my journey with Widgetbucks after Auctionads failed to impress me, They can take my $23.20 as a donation for being the worst ad network i have seen over my 7 months of blogging!
A bunch of monkey's running the show at Widgetbucks and i must agree on Cashquests view on them. Problogger's interview with Widgetbucks CEO Matt Hulett shows signs of what they plan to do with those who are not performing well with Widgetbucks. It was only recently mentioned on their official free blog that all non US traffic and users would not be receiving any more publisher credit for clicks made.
Us Residents Do Make Money
Look at Zac Johnson flaunting on his October earnings with Widgetbucks and to be honest, Zac seems to be the only one showing off his earning and he made $123.55 and Zac thinks WidgetBucks is a great solution for sites that have content targeted to the ads being displayed(I guess he means US based Sites which can make Widgetbucks money).
I am feeling Angry and Frustrated ^&*^&$
I may not be the first to throw this post at you, but i guess you 'Monkey' do like to change your orders pretty quickly over time and let me tell you why you should have gone into a beta status in the past and allow a group of invites to work first hand on your so called global and internationally friendly ad network.
- You will be able to notice that it can only work for US residents.
- You will be able to notice that it is the US publishers who will convert your ads into RPC
- You will be able to stop the number of publishers who are non US resident that does not give you the RPC you wanted.
As a Ad network, you failed to anticipate your next move quick enough and you have to wait for one freaking month with your acclaimed 800,000 to 900,000 unique visitors, 30,000 publishers and then bust our earnings after your recent statement?
"Starting Nov. 15, clicks coming from outside the U.S. and Canada on WidgetBucks widgets will no longer be charged to merchants, and therefore, no publisher credit will be given for those clicks. This will positively impact publisher RPC levels, and the change does not affect earnings from October or the first half of November."I guess your dedicated crew and diligent team(monkeys) forgot to change your FAQ, please have it changed and do not give others the wrong impression that they can make money online(widgetbucks i am referring not mpire) with you if they are non US residents.

The Whole paragraph reads like this:
Yes, as long as the site meets the terms of service. Please be aware that our terms of service does not allow non-english sites without prior written consent. Widgetbucks can be placed on any site that has traffic. Because all of the products are from US based merchants and are in US dollars, the likelihood of click conversion is greater for a US targeted audience, but you can still use WidgetBucks on Non-U.S. based sites.
A solution for us Non US resident..but no thanks!
Hell Yeah, i am a publisher with lots of non US traffic coming your way and i am not going to use your service anymore, my experiment technology blog was getting $23.00 and i am just going to give you back since it's peanuts to me. Your statement just disgust me after you want to bring us down and then try to give another solution to start another service for us, who knows you might just throw in the towel and tell us,"sorry guys we apologies that currently this service will not longer be in use."
"If you are a publisher with a lot of non-US traffic, we suggest using a geo-based ad placement service to determine when to display a WidgetBucks ad widget versus an internationally applicable ad. Some examples include MaxMind, IP2Location, etc, and there are solutions available for OpenAds that do this as well."
Since i have given my money as a donation to Widgetbucks back, i need to find another ad network to boost my earnings on my tech blog, did John Chow once talked about how TTZ Media would make us more money? It might be the choice for those who are non US resident to run ad network, nowadays every ad network is only meant for the US Residents, kinda getting sick and tired that they are not giving opportunities to the Asians and Europeans. What do you think of Widgetbucks after hearing this?
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7 Responses to "WidgetBucks Turns Into LaughingBucks"
November 15, 2007 5:09 PM
It is pretty unfair how widgetbucks just wants to remove yet another policy which they have already made, that cut out you took was a target against them.
November 15, 2007 5:12 PM
Hey Etienne
I totally share your frustrations! They are a bunch of globally-challenged and geographically-myopic monkeys!
November 15, 2007 10:19 PM
I've found that their ads don't perform well anyway. They generate few clicks and cause pages to load slow. Their earnings are less than Adsense everywhere I've tried them.
November 15, 2007 10:55 PM
All i can say was, at the very start it is promising but towards the end, it just loses its steam and also its publishers.
November 17, 2007 5:42 PM
I'm also taking down my 125x125 widgetbucks advert on my blog. I've been disappointed with all the new policies that were currently implemented.
November 17, 2007 9:59 PM
Agreed, I am not impress with them either. And the whole US only thing is rediculous. Blogs are global not local and all ad services should be as well.
I'll give it the full 90 day trial and when I don't see an increase I'll be pulling them as well.
November 17, 2007 11:03 PM
It is great to hear you guys agreeing on the point that widgetbucks is not that worthy anymore.
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