In 2008, the buzz keyword is social media and how social media can transfer a site that brings in zero traffic to a five figure viewership in less than a month. By using social media site, you are able to develop your own community and group of friends who are there to support what you have for them, it's like a micro-blog system that allow you to keep in contact with online friends and in the mean time share with them what you have found on other interesting blogs. It come be a story, article, photo or even a video but it all shows the power of social media.
Darren Rowse posted an interesting question and it was asked by his twitter friend : if you were permitted only 3 social sites to work with, which ones would you pick?
Personally, I have signed up for almost every new social community that had popped up on the internet but after a full tour through the community, almost three quarter of them just don't feel as good as what they have announced. The rest could be the lack of tacky media release and use of other social media community that are already established to promote their new site. Still with a list of good social sites, i have decided to choose the top three of my choice.
Social Bookmarking: I have received four figure visitors with , maybe because of the information that i feed into social bookmarks, i do not received more than a thousand visitors with even when i could get that with submitting my post through Stumbleupon. It was also less Tech, Politics bias social bookmarking site.
Social Networking: Call me old fashion, but i personally prefer Friendster over and for a good reason because i first started using them and do not fancy application that Facebook offer which are distracting and make me more un-productivity over time.
Social messaging: Surely it would have to be which makes it as my top Social messaging site and also a place where i can do micro blogging of what i am doing. It's really a place to interact and tell others what you are doing right at that moment.
What would you have chose if it was you? Would it be Digg or even Reddit. Is there another Social messaging site that you know beats Twitter or you disagree with me that Friendster is the best, why not share with me your top 3?
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3 Responses to "Remarkable 3 Social Media Sites To Use"
My top 3 social sites are facebook,Ning and myspace. They are simply great and have a large amount of friends that i can communicate.
June 12, 2008 1:08 PM
My 3 would be SU, Blog Catalog and actually surprisingly entrecard, though I am starting to use it less - it has been a great way of meeting other bloggers. I think myspace is kind of dead...out of my friends on there I think only a handful actually still check it regularly.
June 25, 2008 4:16 PM
I shall remember these sites. Thanks.
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