Thankfully, i have not heard any drop of pagerank yet from high authority blog, mainly because they no longer sell paid links which was a big issues taken seriously by Google. You could have also notice your blog jumping from PR0 to a PR4 in the first 4 months of your blogging experience which is nothing strange so take this as a gift from Google and continue with the way you have been blogging over that period of time.
This Pagerank update felt Sloppy and everyone seems to be sick and tired of hearing the next Quarter update so bloggers rather concentrate on their contents rather than building a blog made for pagerank. If Google don't do anything quick, this pagerank status might just be irrelevant over the next period of time.
Real Pagerank Update Datacenter
If you are not convince by word of mouth from others then you can consider using this pagerank datacenter tool which was used in my first update i receive 4 months ago and it is still working well with over 40 datacenter which gives you a list of pagerank update for your blog.

Have you received your new pagerank status?
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8 Responses to "Google Pagerank Gives a Sloppy Update"
January 14, 2008 5:49 PM
Etienne, Google Slapped Me! I lost my PR, it went from PR2 to PR0.
Now you are saying I have to wait until March or April for the next update?
Hmmm oh well....
January 15, 2008 6:46 AM
It was a real rare sight, fabian have you been selling text links or paid reviews? The next update will be arriving in 3-4 months time which could be in May 2008.
The update was a pretty random one and i have not heard of most bloggers talk about, izzt dead already?
January 16, 2008 11:02 AM
congrats etienne.. im still at PR-zero after the november PR slap.. still waiting for google to revive my page rank.
January 16, 2008 1:29 PM
I went from a PR 3 to a PR2. Funny thing is, I have more backlinks, etc pointing to me than i had the previous page rank update. And I also have been more active.
Could it be, because I recently made a post offering FREE reviews of websites? That does not seem like something wrong to do!
Also... i noticed a friend of mine, who used to be PR 5 in the past, is now PR 0! Unreal....
January 17, 2008 12:00 AM
It was a real rare sight,
January 17, 2008 12:01 AM
Good thinking.
January 17, 2008 7:54 AM
I also went to a 4 from a 3.. So I don't have a quarrel with Google.
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