Why Should You Bother About Traffic?
Traffic is term on the internet as having a constant flow of readers to your blog.In order for that to happen, your blog need to be unique and heavily content with interesting and organized structure of topics which will make your readers come back for more.
Coming to the question, an analogue on why you should be bothered about traffic? You are elected as a new mayor of Brocker city and it is your duty to increase the probability of more business opportunities and access into your new city. What would you have done to make your city a more driven and prosperous place to attract more business?
The same theory applies as a mayor on your new blog to attract more readers.There are multiple ways of increasing the flow of your traffic which we will cover later in the post. What is more important would be your "roads and business opportunities" that you have setup in order to direct the correct flow of readers to "Brocker city".
Roads & Business Opportunities
Building your roads in order to access around your city would be the main priority you should do cause you do not want to de-route visitors coming by your city. Content comes in various aspects: writing,images and video.
Writing Content
Trust me, you do not have to be good in English language but there is a requirement for you to know how to write at least the basics. Start writing on a write editor and once you found the topic to start on, don't stop there. move on from your first paragraph all the way to you very last paragraph.

Images Content
Visual Effects work very well on blogs and research shows that 80% of readers who read articles online would love to see an image after 200-250 words. A picture that relates to your topic could mean a thousand words.
Video Content
This would be a challenge to me because i have never experimented this on my blog. My friend, Charles who does video reviews have so much success in this field. Start creating your first video with a topic in mind and use the ways you will find later to further increase the visitors to your blog.
8 Devilish Route to Funnel Traffic
The appropriate way that webmasters used to generate traffic is by using old techniques like word of mouth marketing,traffic exchange sites & the expensive way of using SEO by employing an SEO consultate to create awareness in the early 90s when internet had just started.

MySpace Community
It was the hottest social community since friendster was formed, it took off because of the ability to do blog posting, add social friends, change the layout of your personal page on and even start a e-business on your page.
Facebook Community
While the functions of what can offer sounds almost identical to mySpace, what i have learned is if i am a gifted coder, creating an application on facebook is a challenge and a way to publicizing my blog on the internet with millions of viewers each day.
Do you Digg?
is a popular social news site which publishes latest trend mainly on computer technology or interesting finding and it really depends on the crowd's vote to decide the fate of your post. I personally feel Digg is not a very good social site because it's target is mainly on current news, technology and interesting stuff, saturated demographics. Unless your blog covers stories like these, otherwise you can try using the next social news site to help increase your traffic level.
Stumbling upon my blog
Fastest growing social news site that also enables each individual to gives votes to the particular post. I even wrote a comprehensive article and a free report which i discovered secrets which could tap us into stumbling smarter. One thing i like about is it gives the sense of belonging and the categorizing of topics which you personally like. It covers a range of category which you can choose from and this enables you to target on members who shares the same interest with you. The traffic i received with is just tremendous and i got to thank those who stumbled my post.
Guest Blogging
If you intend to increase the flow of your traffic, you need to understand what you need in order to guest blog for others. First you need to be able to craft out an article which is better than what you usually write on your blog. Why? You are targeting on readers who might have come across your blog for the first time and this is what you need to do for your blog as well, do keep updating post related to what you have mention on the guest blog, make sure the visitors becomes your subscribed reader.
YouTube takes over the media
Video directors or bloggers are constantly founded on Youtube, it is very simple actually. You start a production or tutorial on a particular topic which is related to your blog. You add in at the end your website or you can always put watermarks at the bottom of your video. For more information, the viewers can actually pickup your blog and read on additional pointers you posted on your own blog, this creating duo-viewership.

Squid around Squidoo
It was one of the techniques i learned in a seminar early Jan, Use squidoo to convert visitors into readers on your blog or turn visitors to automated income. How is this done? You need to go in depth with your research, sourcing for the correct niche and topic. Look at your landing page with a visitor's perspective and do you feel the urge to want to click on the button which says "BUY IT"? If it does not appeal, what are the measure you have to counter such effects?
Writing for Free royalty Article Directory
Ezinearticles gives you original submission on the directory with different groups and topic which you can talk about. What i like about ezinearticles is how easy i can source for ideas and also after a article, i tend to follow the link to the author who had submitted a great piece of article. This is also a good place where you are able to do product reviews which could bring them to a landing page and convert visitors into affiliated profits.
It Takes Time & Effort To Attain a Comfortable Flow of Traffic
Do you practice all the 8 ways i have pointed to you? There could be other methods which i have not practiced before, there are thousands of ways you can create constant flow of traffic to your blog. In conclusion, you need to create a list of fantastic post to keep your blog interesting, with the contents flowing in, apply techniques of social media communication but exercising the need of using them constantly online. Following the rules results in a constant flow of traffic which could exceed the goals you have set this year, do you have other ways of creating a funnel to receive batches of traffic, I would love to hear from you.
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6 Responses to "What Traffic Means To You?: 8 Devilish Route To Jumper's Traffic"
Like you said, using different article directory can help boost your site, which happens to me and that is so true.
I think your point of making money through blogging does tell me a point that i should focus on my traffic.
Learning the importance of using social media is very important for the new age of blogging.
That was a great tip on how we could receive automated traffic from others.
March 3, 2008 12:08 AM
I really do not understand what is all about? Please somebody tell me is that real means that my blog has any deal with traffic? :)
There are just so many ways you can receive traffic to your blog and this is one of the few fundamental ways of getting them which etienne had released.
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