What can I find Passion and Time when i work 9-5pm?
About 75% of my questions received on my email states that readers are interested to know how they can still put time and passion into blogging even when they are working 9-5pm.While i can't give an answer to your question. What i can do is give you a recommendation on how you can replace your free time into automated income.
2 Hours Commitment Per Day
I am sure your work schedule would look something like this because i was once in your shoe and i can understand how you must be feeling tight to spare just 2 hours blogging without assurance of making any money but look at how much free time you actually have.

0700 - You leave home so that you can reach your working building by 9am.
0900 - You being an endless battle at work.
1200 - It's Lunch time.
1400 - You being your second half of your war with your clients.
1700 - You Know off on time and make your way home.
1900 - Due to the City Jam, you got home 2 hours later.
1905 - Make a quick dinner as you are simply too tired to get your dinner fixed.
1930 - Take a quick bath to freshen up.
2000 - This is where your 2 hours of blogging begins.
2200 - You end it here regardless whether you have completed your post for today.
2205 - It's time to Sleep and wake up the next day.
To me this is just what might happen to you in a very routine way if you are willing to delicate 2 hours of your time to work on your blog. Like i have mention, you do not have to complete a post every night, if you are unable to complete the post, wait for tomorrow to finish up the other half and post it.
It takes effort and practice to do speed typing and finish a post in 2 hours, considering the fact that you might need to do in-depth research and screenshot of photos. That would easily take up the 2 hours of blogging.
While your time is being fixed on a daily routine basis, you need the passion in order to blog the topics you would like to talk about. I have seen many bloggers fail at this by choosing a topic which they found is trendy to talk about and the blog just died in less than 6 months. The reason is simple, you are not interested in that topic and you have little to talk about and what makes you so sure your inexperience on this topic would bring you far? You need keen attitude and passion to give you ideas and also sharing studies to make your blog interesting. What is your niche? Why not start by taking 2 hours to structure your blog's topic and domain name before you start posting.
Rule Number #1 Do not think of making any cent from online blogging
I am sure Darren Rowse,Doshdosh, and even Zac Johnson never thought about using their blog as a money making machine instead they use it to build their authority among their niche and attracted a list of readers who constantly visit them and learn from them. Look at Problogger aka Darren Rowse who make a comfortable six figure blogging and covers on blogging tips, DoshDosh & Copyblogger did not really publish their earnings but i am sure they are making at least a five figure income with a authority blog on social media and copywriting. We should also look into the fine example of how Zac Johnson makes $860,538.38 PROFIT in 4 Months.
Rule Number #2 Repeat what you know about Rule #1
Continue the focus of just blogging and increasing your readership over at your blog and you will realise why this tip is golden. A blog needs 2 things to continue attracting readership which can provide your with automated income. This is the reason why you should repeat on what you learn in Rule #1.
A blog lives on 2 things in order to keep the bloggers passion going and making sure he can substain an automated income. This must be the reason why you can see so many established blog continue to become successful while those who thinks they fail because they are not up to the standards will fail and be eliminated.

You might have a photo blog about crazy and amusing pictures but your updates comes daily and attracts a group of viewers who are always interested and waiting for your update. You could have a blog which only updates every 3 days but still you have a group of readers who are constantly waiting for your post. Why is it that readers are willing to wait and view blogs that are neither posting daily nor blogs with any text?
A blog can never make every single one on earth be happy with what you are going to present on your blog. Blogs tend to attract a group of readers so focus on what you do best and continue doing it. One thing i learn from blogging would be to have both visual and text to keep your readers keen to read on.
Readership & Traffic
You need to be able to build your readership over time, create and allow your readers to subscribe to your feed, use social media sites like stumbleupon to start increasing the flow of your visitors and continue to post interesting post to keep them coming back for more.
If you have done the basic by posting on a routine basis of your preference.The formula seems to work: 2 hours blogging equals Content that can be converted into traffic which are readers and can be converted into automated income using various methods of money making that you can find online.
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6 Responses to "Start With The Basic of Blogging And Flourish By Earning Money Online"
February 20, 2008 9:07 PM
This schedule is seen in my daily life and you hit the nail, i am finding it hard to cope but after seeing how you plan, i am sure i would be able to handle it and try your methods.
It is a great refresher to those who thinks blogging is all about money.i guess you are right on this point.
February 21, 2008 9:56 PM
good tips,
but it's hard to make it successful - takes alot of willpower to make a decent living online
February 22, 2008 10:27 AM
Agree. Most have dollar signs in their eyes when writing blog posts, whereas they better focus on fundamentals and gain some readership first.
Monetization comes last, not first. It's like a reward for that you did a good job.
Great article, Etienne!
March 9, 2008 1:49 PM
You should by all means care about how much your blog makes, but not to the extent that it's all you care about. It's easier to set goals that way.
October 27, 2008 3:31 AM
yeah, you're right -- it's a shame most bloggers lose their appetite for blogging...
But it's great you've come up with a solution.
I can't stress enough how important is to keep it basic, particularly when blogging!
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