When Google activated the button to update the pagerank, somehow everyone got a share of the pie. Some were overjoyed by the blessing given by Google while some still felt that they were not getting the right portion which they deserved.I feel sorry for those who think we should boycott and condemn Google because their Pagerank seems useless and not seen as a money making tool to them.
There is no way you can defeat Google, even if you add the powers of all the Bloggers in the world, you are still not able to convince everyone from not using Google, in the end you are the one losing the battle. In any case that you still feel Google does not appeal to you, I suggest you try other search engine like Yahoo or MSN and try to rank better with these search engine.
Why Pagerank is Important to the eyes of Advertisers?
Many established advertising and marketing companies uses Pagerank as one of the criteria to evaluate how much they should be paying for your services.
The logic behind this is very simple, If you own a tech company which deals millions of dollars a day and you need another new crew member, a software designer which you intend to employ in the next following day. 2 applicants came forward and presented their resume. both had the same qualifications and desire to dedicated their time at work and accepts your $3,500/mth salary but Designer A had a period of experience with another tech company for 3 years which Designer B only had 1 year of experience, who would you employ, Designer A or B?
Since the recent updates, i see many blogs which are more than 1 month old with at least 100 minimum backlinks to hit PR1 -PR5. Everyone rejoices over their pagerank but have you started to make plans on how you are going to exploit this extra gift that Google have given you?

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Start Planning and Make Money Online
I see opportunities everyday and everywhere, it's just a matter of when and how you are going to experiment and make that work for you. Start planning ahead, with your pagerank, decide on what are the monetizing program and schemes which you can effective use to earn more money.
PayPerPost - Tell me you are not familiar with them and i will say you have missed out probably one of the easiest way to make money online. If you have pagerank of 3 and above, this is the place where you will make big bucks in less than an hour. Take up opportunities up to $200 a post if you are lucky to meet one otherwise the lowest i even came across was $5 and on average it's $10 to $20 bucks per review post. Payperpost Does have rules that you need to oblige before your applications gets approved so read on them first.
Blog Flipping - BloggingFingers seizes his opportunities quickly by putting his blog on auction after a recent update of a PR3 and flipping sites/blog seems to be his expertise. He last sold one of his sites for $1000 and now with a pretty good pagerank and blog reputation, this blog might just go for above $3000. Let's see who is the lucky buyer who is going to take over Matt's blog.
TextLinkads - Many Bloggers got a big fat slap from Google selling text link ads, but i still don't see it as a major problem as long as you add rel="nofollow" on the link itself. I guess many bloggers now understand that nofollow on links are a way to prevent google from thinking those links are flagged as spams. I do like text link ads because they are a good source of income as welcome.
Direct Advertisers - EtienneTeo dot com got it's first PR3, it is an extra booster for me so that i can attract more direct advertisers, still i am selling my direct advertising 125x125 banner at a dirt cheap price, Currently i have 1 last more spot available up for grab at only $15 for 2 months! Some say i can easily put it up for more than $30 for 2 months, but i still insist this is a promotional experiment and i have already 5 advertisers with me, the last space could be yours, contact me to buy the space, its a first come first serve basis. Grab yours now!
Have you started to make plans on how you are going to market your blog for the month of November with your new pagerank? I would like to hear your suggestions and also share what are the tactics you intend to do.
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6 Responses to "Got Your Pagerank - Make Money Online with Every Opportunities Ahead"
October 31, 2007 6:32 PM
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Your blog is pretty impressive with the money making theme. Are you still using blogspot platform. Your comment box seems to be is like blogspot platform ?
But nice blog you have, will drop by more often.
October 31, 2007 6:44 PM
Nice see you around at my blog, yes i am on blogger. The comment box would have given it away.thanks! See you around.
October 31, 2007 6:53 PM
Hi Etienne,
Good and informative post. While many bloggers decided to boycott google there were also many voicing concerns that blogs were being downgraded because they were blogs!
This issue now seems to have been addressed for many, some are happy and some aren't. I'm happy that my primary blog maintained PR5 throughout, and my secondary blog was increased to PR5.
I don't carry text links or google ads on either so I am pleased with what I have. Essentially, I blog because I enjoy it.
Have a great day :)
October 31, 2007 8:16 PM
Nice to hear that you are blogging strong with a PR5, i guess text link was one of the real main culprit..but i am happy with a PR3 status.
Its always nice to hear from you colin.
I am currently using my PR5 to earn through payperpost and its doing quite well, good tip! thanks!
March 4, 2009 4:49 PM
very good information.. I am very interested about payperpost, so, does that mean, my site has to be PR3 or some kinda high PR in order to get a good review post?
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