It just came as a surprise, I woke up in the morning and was once again attacked by the pagerank effect! Since i was using the SEO Tool Bar, i could see cleared the updates of the PR status. It seems Google is starting to increase Pagerank to those who deserved them.
I guess some are happy to see the climb back to their PR status, some were happy to see from a pagerank 0 to a 3 (like me) and also those who have been relegated further by the evil Google Dance will be jumping and asking why me why me!
I did not expect John Chow to remain at PR4, i guess Google must have hated him alot, reason could be his selling of text links. Brian Clark of Copyblogger couldn't be much happier than ever with Google for following their rules, it seems he got his deserving Pagerank 7. Even Darren had his blog back to PR6, there is an exhaustive list that i have brought forward so that everyone can see the updates.
This is the list of blogger who have boosted their Pagerank today from the List i had previously.
The Climber Board
- Jumps to PR7
Problogger -Climbs back to PR6
DoshDosh - Climbs to PR6
Cashquests - Climbs to PR5
Garryconn - Climbs to PR5
AndyBeard -Climbs to PR4
Bloggingbits -Climbs to PR4
BloggingTips -Climbs to PR4
Zac Johnson -Climbs to PR4
Etienne Teo - Climbs toPR3
Dailymoolah - Climbs toPR3
John Cow - Climbs to PR3
Charleslau - Climbs to PR3
Jobmob - Climbs to PR3
Worldofangel - Climbs to PR3
Courtney Tuttle - climbs to PR3
Shamoneymaker - Climbs to PR2
- Climbs to PR2
Slyvisions - Climbs to PR2
Those That Stays
Adesblog -Remains as PR5
Engadget -Remains as PR5
Seroundtable - Remains as PR4
John Chow - Remains as PR4
Searchenginejournal - Remains as PR4
Quickonlinetips - remains as PR3
Netbusinessblog -Remains as PR3
- Remains as PR3
TylerCruz Remains as PR3
Carlocab -Remains as PR3
Relegated Further
Natewhitehill -Drops to PR4
JohnTP -Drops to PR3
Entrepreneurs-journey -Drops to PR3
Rotorblog - Drops to PR2
Earnersblog - Drops to PR2
Michael Kwan - Drops to PR2

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16 Responses to "Google Pagerank Gives Everyone A Little Juice"
October 27, 2007 3:49 PM
Bro, well done on your new PR 3
October 27, 2007 3:59 PM
Thanks! i guess google did not forget us after all.
Suspected Text link ads might not be the actually cause of it, i am not sure how google got their demoting of other blogs..its strange.
October 27, 2007 6:00 PM
Hi Etienne,
I guess I was one of the lucky ones, my PR has remained static at PR5 for several months, and while others were seeing a reduction mine stayed as it was.
At some point Google has to stop messing around and downgrading PR of blogs, which they now seem to be doing. Somewhat ironic that they downgraded so many yet acknowledge the inportance of blogs with their Blog Search still in beta.
Anyone want a peek: http://blogsearch.google.com/
October 27, 2007 10:08 PM
yup i got a page rank of 3 too i am very happy google gave what we deserve congrats in your new page rank etienne.
October 28, 2007 1:32 AM
wow!congratulation etienne!u got a pagerank 3.For myself,I got a 5.A straight jump from 0.
October 28, 2007 1:10 PM
Congratulations Etienne Teo for your pagerank! You really deserve it. That's a huge jump in page rank. Great job! :)
October 28, 2007 1:43 PM
Grats on your PR3! How long have you been blogging?
October 28, 2007 4:31 PM
i suppose,david,etienne has been blogging for at least 5 months?right etienne?
October 28, 2007 6:44 PM
Yes, i guess i have to work harder to get a higher, targeting on PR5..
It came as a surprise to see john chow not moving back, i guess he sold to much link already...but does that really matter, he have a list of rss and subscribers and so many supporters already...
October 29, 2007 6:04 AM
It is my great pleasure to present you with a
Keep up the good work
October 31, 2007 2:23 AM
Congrats on the PR 3. I too was surprised at the weekend when I saw I had gone from 0 to 2 which I thought was an achievment. I dont want to concentrate on PR too much. I want to put up a quality blog.
Thanks for the intro of the tool bar for the pagerank center! I appreciate that.
November 1, 2007 3:54 AM
When I woke up in the morning and I saw my PR had changed from 0 to 5 I couldn't believe it :)
Congratulations for your PR 3 ^_^
November 1, 2007 12:59 PM
It was nice to see your site on PR5 already!
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