Blog Monetized By Adsense
My Blog is currently monetized using Adsense Ads, You can see Ad links above my Post and 336x280 Large Rectangle on my Content Post. If you happen to have a same way of advertising your ads like me then I would say our placements falls under the Good Placement Section in the Google Heat Map order. I am going to show some ways of getting it better done so as to benefit everyone here.
(Looking at my old Adsense blending, i think it can further create a better visual effect)

Blending Your Advertisement Takes Time
Adjustment are to be done periodically if you see a low level of CTR happening with the positioning of your ads, further enhance the visual aids to your readers so that they are not blinded by the striking colours of your ads, be mindful that your readers are here to read your contents and not to see eye catching advertisement you have installed for them.
Make sure you chose the correct colour goes with your contents, remember that word ads should never be striking and blending them to your content words colour is most ideal.
Never Use a Border for Your Advertisements
Put yourself in the shoes of a reader, would you EVER click on an Advertisement that has borders around with 5 to 6 ads clutter together? Chances are you will not want to click it. One of the reason why many bloggers fail to attain Click Through Rates though they have abundant of impressions, is because they have borders around their advertisement.
I have used borders before during my experiment days with Adsense, results was not ideal and there was a 60% increase in my Click Through Rates when i took out the borders immediately within the 2 weeks. There is no harm removing it and trying it out, if it does help your blog, drop me a message to say thank you if its the first time you have heard of it and successful in gaining your increase in CTR.
Make sure your Ads look visible at your start page
Visit your own blog now and without scrolling, tell yourself how much ads are you able to see and view at one glance? I can see My Ads well without scrolling , Gosh! I am unable to see My Ads without scrolling!
If you are able to view all your ads at one go, then congrats! Since chances of you getting a click is much higher than those who have ads way out of any of the heat map range. Looking at the Heat Map, you will notice placements in white are dead spots and should be avoided at all times. Stick to those that are colour in fiery orange to maximize your CTR with good positioning of your ads, trying out is always the best method to know the best position for your blog.
Blending Content and Adsense Text into one
I have made some adjustment to my blog ads, Firstly I removed my subscription alert box, so that i can give a better ads view on the front page, Secondly the colours of the Content and Adsense text were mergered to become one and i will monitor closely on the tweaking performance that i have made.

Smart and innovative Adsense Placements
Digging through Problogger Post, I remembered an article that he mentioned on "Clever" Adsense Placement. Though it can be fun on one side to experiment your Adsense placement and see the full potential of it but you got be to mindful of risking yourself violating Google Adsense TOS. Don't over Blend your ads or you may be on your way to being ban by Adsense.

Ninja Blending Ads
The website above Captial Tutorial uses images to blend with Adsense, and if you were to visit the full website, it will be hard for you to discover this ad like tutorial in the content page.Be mindful not to fall in the group of Fallen Adsense Users, and if you have doubts or query, always question the Adsense Team before you doing anything which you do not find in the TOS.
I will be interested to see your examples of well Blended Adsense placement on blogs or other websites. Drop me a Comment with your link!
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2 Responses to "Have You Audited Your Ads Placement Within You Blog"
August 10, 2007 10:43 AM
Hi, I read only tonight you add me on technorati. Can you said me what of My Blogs you have preferred? I think you'd like I prefere THAT Blog. My nickname on tehnorati is Blogmasterpg; please write your answer in ( I read these comments all days) Bye, I'm waiting a your answer.
August 10, 2007 11:43 AM
Hi blogmaster,i will leave you a comment at your blog, you have a nice italian based blog.
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