I would recommend them to do GPT sites and also Auto Surf since they have one of the fastest way of earning "Big Bucks". Blogging requires a little bit of perservance and patient from the user and if you want to see readership and money being earned on your blog then continue blogging about what you want to blog, do the do and blog the blog and does it rhymn following money the money? I am no guru or a professional writer, so here i am writing based on what i have experience and learned from my past 6 months of blogging.

Learn to Crawl before you Walk
If you still remember the first law in blogging is to bring your daily ramblings to your readers in your own style, making sure every single day when you update your blog something new will strike your readers to read and revisit you again and again. Have you set your vision to get your targeted readers reading your blog?

Fixing your eyes too much on comment
Sometimes while you blog great and worthy articles, you hope to gain some credits from your readers giving you comments, but it always seems to be zero and you happen to doubt yourself on whether are you blogging for yourself to see or for your readers.
Don't worry too much on your comments, since you are not the only bloggers receiving less than 5 comments on one single post. There are many blogs or can i say 96% of readers throughout the world do not leave a comment, so you are not alone.
Choosing a good domain name for a brighter start
Many a times i see blogs with very long names and i would want to tell the owner that would it not be hard to remember your name?
- hxxp://howcanichoseagooddomainname.blogspot.com/
- hxxp://didichosethisdomainright.wordpress.com/
- hxxp://www.pleasetellmeiamwrongonthis.com/
Tip 1: Keep in mind that you should always look for a domain name less than 20 letters and not more and it should make sense and catchy to the readers to remember.
Tip 2:Getting a dot com will always given you more branding and mor trust from your readers, you can try getting a cheap host from Godaddy or IxWebHosting
3 Ways of getting the right Name for yourself
Use your own name to brand out a blog, Many established bloggers gained fame from this, bloggers like who is one of the few who have tried and dared him to try and in return gain much recognition from the blogosphere community for his Tech and Ways of Making Money Online. Learn how he created his own Dot Com Mogul of earning more than $10000 a month!
Use a Keyword tool, like Nichebot to search for the most search keyword and start your own name and branding, give your blog the best keyword to be searched on the net.Learn how Chloe Spencer who owns
Neopetsfantic Blog, earns$30/day on Adsense alone and she is only 15 years old, finding her niche she look carefully at keywords to boost her blog.
Be a copycat of a famous keyword, source for other dots that can be purchased, like (.net, .name or even .org). Promote almost exact same topics and niche product he sells and learn the art of becoming the next successful copywriter blogger!
Writing your way to fame
The best and tradition way of getting your blog to fame would be to write and write, making sure your blog is filled with great articles for your readers to read about and talk about. If you were to ask me how long a post should be, i guess the length does not matter, but whether you article is giving them answers to what they need and they will follow the length of your great written work.
Ways of presenting your work to your readers in style
Be sure you consider these factors in before you click on the publish button and release your article to the readers and realising that it was not what you wanted.
- Making sure your title is eye catching or else you may lose readership from one glance. If you are writting a lengthy and worth reading article, you may want to check on the Google search with the keywords you intend to use or the full length of title been used and check the results, I would recommend bloggers not to follow word for word and choose your own unique words so that you can have your post be picked up easily by Google spider bot for ranking purpose.
- Posting 4 and below articles which i will recommend the use of going on 1 full page since the number of post allowedon your blog now is just 4 post so it will look better with your articles appearing in full length for your readers to read.
- Posting 5 and above long articles at one page may seem very lengthy on your blog and may cause readers to feel exhausted simply scrolling down to read so you may want to consider for a teaser look post which means you will have summarize a teaser paragraph to attract your readers to read more, is what you need to do such.
Good writes comes with targeted Visitors
If you have followed my steps so far, it should have already been your 2nd month blogging already with close to 60 post and at least 5 well written articles to showcase at your blog. But how is your traffic coming? Miserable to see that you have less than 100 targeted visitors per day? For the start if you are not on a dedicated dot com, you could just be out of this range but be satisfied with the current number of visitors for now.
What next? Advertise your blog in style
Since you now have a pretty much decent blog for 2 months in running with a decent readership, it is time to let the world know you are around and spread your name like fire. Why i want you to start advertising late is because getting your blog known at the start will only attract "come and go visitors" since your blog does not have much for them to read about, they tend to leave and will not return back since they have visited your blog before.

To prevent such from happening, make sure you have adequent numbers of good articles for your readers to benefit from and of course these visitors will stay as long as you update daily with your niche topics and don't bring diversified information into your blog cause it will only irritate your readers.
Advertise with Blog Directories
Blog directories are a good source of traffic to your blog, since your blog with be categorized by niche topics and be a featured blog within the directory and you will see massive visitors flocking to your blog.
Blog Community Shares
Blog Communities are another good source of traffic as you get to know new friends and bloggers who may share the same topics as you do and communication between one blogger to the other will not be difficult if you have plans to joint venture on some up coming projects. which will bring you much more traffic.
Search for an high PR Blog to advertise with
One of the best way to gain traffic would be to pay to be a featured site on a blog. There are many bloggers with high PR status that you can advertise with at a very reasonable price.
At last, i can Make Money!!!!
As time pass by you should have already got a well organized blog with many great articles and have a decent vistors/day. With such you can continue with your advertisement placement on your blog and be sure you use a limited amount of advertisement, you will not want your blog to become an advertising ground. Also be mindful of how you are going to with your blog layout. It is time to cash in some rewards for the effort placed.
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5 Responses to "Learn to Build a Successful Blog Before Monetizing"
Hey nice post, thanks for the tips
August 12, 2007 3:51 AM
I thought you had many great tips. It would be nice, I think, for you to give some examples of high PR blogs, and blog directories that you like.
August 12, 2007 6:37 PM
hi Carl, i will have your comment noted! Thanks for the suggestion! I appreciate that!
September 5, 2007 7:23 PM
well,create your own GPT website
January 4, 2009 2:49 PM
I had a website that all i did was write content for but I never had any readers. I thought it was going nowhere but it just takes time. It'll get there eventually so don't focus just on the negatives.
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