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6 Effective Tips to Run Your Advertising On Social Media Sites
Social media advertising is becoming more popular in home based business marketing because it is one of the best way to reach a large audience all over the world...
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Six Figure Earnings In Six Months Taking Care Of Reef Island In Australia

island reef jobHave you guys ever thought of getting a nice relaxed Job in the Australia Reefs? Whoever gets this job could be the luckiest person on the planet.

"An Australian state is offering internationally what it calls "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.

The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (105,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the winner's home country to Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland's state government announced on Tuesday.

In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, snorkel the reef, take care of "a few minor tasks" -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.

The successful applicant, who will stay rent-free in a three-bedroom beach home complete with plunge pool and golf buggy, must be a good swimmer, excellent communicator and be able to speak and write English.

"They'll also have to talk to media from time to time about what they're doing so they can't be too shy and they'll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors," said acting state Premier Paul Lucas.

"The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world."

Lucas said the campaign was part of a drive to protect the state's 18 billion Australian dollar a year tourism industry during the tough economic climate caused by the global financial meltdown.

"Traditional tourism advertising just doesn't cut it sometimes and we are thinking outside the box by launching this campaign."

Queensland Tourism Minister Desley Boyle said some people might question whether it was risky to let an unknown person become an unofficial tourism spokesperson for the state.

"I think the biggest risk will be that the successful candidate won't want to go home at the end of the six months," she said.

"This is a legitimate job which is open to anyone and everyone."

Applications are open until February 22. Eleven shortlisted candidates will be flown to Hamilton Island in early May for the final selection process and the six month contract will commence on July 1."

Sydney AFP Reports..
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Warning! Paypal Fraud Mail On The Loose!

If any of you receives an immediate and urgent mail from "Paypal", please do not reply by clicking on the link provided, this is just another scam link that is repeatedly sent out from other sources trying to gain access to your account.

The Email sent clearly indicated a paypal link but within, it lies another weblink "http://www.startimes2.us/cmThkRqcUe5qBbIUMLTMUxjVXHuoiRBMC8Qg1BHav4pYFzembFoENcG1gf3H4PaiYU4h/". I was convince, i had some issues since i just received an amount from a review sponsor and would need to check the amount to verify and the mail came on time, warning me of problems on my account!


A way to avoid becoming the next victim is to login to your paypal on a separate browser or tab and login through the authentic website, instead of clicking on the link to view the problem. Do not learn it through the hard way, hope this keep everyone on alert of such scams mails floating around.

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Make Money Online With NetKlix 2.0

I thought it was time I reviewed one of the new PPC Ad Networks out there – Netklix. Netklix is a Pay per Click Advertising Network who specialise in text ads. Anyone can create a text ad, which means anyone can use Netklix. Once created, Netklix Text Adverts are served across sites within the Netklix Publisher Network, which is targeted using thematic content channels. Netklix has a rich history in Affiliate network marketing; they went into business way back in 1999, and now have networks in the US, UK, Ireland and an International English-language network too.

The new Netklix Pay per Click Ad Network offers a way for web site owners and bloggers to earn money with Ads by Netklix and receive revenue for every valid click tracked by the Netklix Ad Server. I love to see a PPC Network help me manage and track the statistics effectively and efficiently, and always ensuring the best performing ad is shown to maximize the money I could earn as a Publisher.

Signing up with Netklix
Signing up on Netklix is a breeze and takes less than 5 minutes. In just 4 easy steps, after entering your details, your account will be ready with your first adspace running on your site!



For International Advertiser/Publisher
On the top right hand corner, click on the underlined "Change" link and select your network selection, If you do not live in the US, UK or Ireland then select "International" and you will be able to sign in.

Netklix Understands their Publishers

Publishers on the Netklix network get to choose over 400+ channels (type of ads) that they want to display, rather than a machine algorithm 'reading' a page and serving ads based on trigger keywords. Netklix believe that webmasters like us would know our audience better and that we should have the key to unlocking the type of ads displayed that best blend with our contents.

Offering a wide spectrum of Ad formats
Netklix offer Publishers 14 different ad formats; from 125x125 ad units designed to help monetise the units built into many of todays blog templates, and Half-page ads (300x600) as well as the IAB standard formats that you would expect.

Netklix values all their Publishers, optimizing the ads served on their site and ensuring both their Advertisers and Publishers gain in terms of publicity and revenue respectively. Netklix's customer service team is dedicated to help webmaster's monetize white space on their site and optimizing the space into revenue for the webmaster.

Analytical Report
Report tools to help you determine Impressions (how many Ads are shown within your AdSpaces), Clicks, CTR (Click Through Ratio) and Averages for EPC (Earnings Per Click) along with a break-down of your Earnings and the reports are updated almost real-time.

Monthly Publisher Earnings Payouts
Netklix pay Publishers on a monthly basis; as long as they have exceeded their minimum threshold of $150, you can expect Netklix's cheque knocking on your door or earnings paid directly into your bank account. If you did not exceed the $150, it will be brought forward to the next month. Currently for International users (like me) you will be paid by Cheque.

Dedicated Support Team
Netklix offers a dedicated Publisher support, who can be reached by phone as well as email. I personally have encountered a problem on Netklix which was resolved in 24-48 hours. I would say they have one of the best support teams out of all the PPC networks!
Netklix is an established Pay Per Click Ad Network which delivers Advertisers targeted advertising and Publishers with a high payout conversion rates for placing leading advertisements on their sites. Signup now with Netklix! Read my Post..

The Power of Diverse Traffic Through Social Media

It becomes easier to market your blog post since there is a wide variety of social media sites. The only problem that seems to rob your fame is the strategy and marketing tactics that you have practiced over time and again, that could be the reason why you are not seeing the results you want to.

Two of my post on Stumbleupon have attracted more than 5,000 pageviews in one week. My free report card on how you can drive massive traffic to your blog through stumbleupon and how to stumble without your mouse have been popular in the stumbleupon community. If you write about Digg and topics on how users can exploit the system to gain front page coverage, this is newsworthy post which will usually be dugg by Digg users, and the internet community. The best way for you to achieve a great channel of website traffic and increased revenue is by taking advantage of social media.

Here are 7 ways to increase your channel of traffic from Social media:

Signing up with a targeted group of social media network

I would like to stress on the importance to have at least one of these services to promote yourself - Facebook or myspace. Give yourself a profile in these communities where a healthy lot of others can see you in your private life. You will be surprise by the amount of visitors you get through these two giant communities.

Image credits:meumundo

Do You Social Bookmark?

Through social bookmarking, some of the interesting pages on your site are featured which viewers can read while browsing on relevant topics. I love to use bookmarks because I will be able to run through a list of my favourite post and share with others. Among the popular social bookmarking sites today are Stumbleupon and Del.icio.us.

Online Interaction

Options of contacting you online can be more open, giving others another way of communicating with you live when you are online would be a good idea. MSN, skype and Facebook online are greats tools to talk to each other without paying the experience phone bills unless you have a business proposal which you would like to talk on the phone service.

Image credits:yakobusan

Offline Interaction

Interactive sites/forums are a good way of communicating if you time zone and the other party is different by 12 hours. Emails are also another way to keep both you and your potential client or readers linked.

Becoming the next Vlogger

The success of using videos in blogs have seen problogger, Johnchow, Bloggerunleashed and many others gain more popularity over the past few months than the rest. Even celebrities are swithcing to the use of vlogging for promotion, BoA, Korean Popsuperstar, has thus opened in order to penetrate the US market as rumored, it was a tactful move by her and her fans will be interested to see her comments back.

Share Your Moments With Your Friends and Readers

If you subtract away the serious portion of business blog, you get just blog and blog is about you speaking what you have to say, speaking in a causal way opens door to others to interact with you online and offline. Displaying your photos on your blog or social networks is a good way to share what you have experienced with others. I am sure others would not mind seeing you in your pyjamas, still typing a post for tomorrow's entry!

Do you twit like a bird?

Microblogging have become very popular since twitter launched its services, it became viral and many bloggers are now updating their news and daily rants on Twitter. if you are also on twitter because twitting like a bird is not a crime!

Identify and Participate in the Niche Communities

After you have created a list of communities to target, draw up a participation schedule where you’ll register profiles on social media channel and contribute to the community via commenting, story submissions, discussions with other users etc.

You should keep your profiles and your blog identified as one so here are some tips for you to take note:

Keep your Avatar and Bio similar like copyprinted on all social sites you have targeted. Branding and clear vision on who you are gives others a reason to remember you as an authority blogger in this niche field. It also makes it easier for other individuals to find and befriend you, especially if you are participating in multiple websites.

Using the inverted pyramid to funnel channels of flowing traffic. Your purpose of spreading your eggs to different baskets is to receive better returns through spread out investments. Keeping your posting newsworthy sites and comments on post that you have voted for will increase the probability of traffic.

Do you have another method of diversifying your traffic through social media, I would like to hear from you!

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Expand Your Demographic Visitors With One Simple Click!

Networking your post from one person to another just became simpler! Using word of mouth marketing ideology, Tell-a-friend allows your posts to read by visitors and then reached out via IM and email to their friends with just one simple click.

No confusing scripting nor additional fee that you have to pay if you intend to use its full version, signup now for a simple widget or plugin to be added to your blog and off you go, its as simple as saying 1,2,3!

You might want to watch the video to learn more about tell-a-friend..

There is also precision traffic analytic to view your referral sites to your blog post and this is a good way to track down your visitors.

Everything seems better than the nostalgic"email my friend" script which is commonly used to just deliver the post to your friends via email, now you are able to expand the range of delivery and one way is through social media but I am amazed by the lack of social sites that we are able to spread our words, eg. Digg, stumbleupon,reddit,bloggingzoom and etc. Consider these sites in and it will ease the users in spreading their message!

Get your Tell-a-friend Widget>>

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How I Solved My Own Credit Crisis During This Recession?

The credit crisis was a ticking volcano which finally erupted,showering the world with high-speed avalanches of "hot ashes" and "rock fragments" which I refer to the fall of the major investment banks in US and also the CDS issue AIG faced.


The world Economy is already taking a 9G roller coast ride and predicting the future of how the economy market will rise back to its once colossal status seems grey. What the consumers can do is wait and delay all luxurious items, they intend to buy and many have turned to selling off their properties at slashed prices just to cover the paper loss incurred during the economy down-fall.

What could you have done to keep your own pocket free from unnecessary spending? If it was not for the economy down-fall, I would not have realised that each year, my credit card statement would have stated an amount of $260.40 which I could hardly recall spending under one receipt since I do not use that platinum card often.

I quickly called up the bank and queried on an unknown amount of $260.40 in-printed on my statement which I found it amusing and uncalled for. The customer officer said that it was an annual fee paid for the benefits and services provided by the bank and it was then, i remembered paying the same amount for the past two years already and incurred a loss of $620.80 unknowingly.

credit crisis-credit card
I wanted to cancel the card immediately which the customer officer asked whether i would keep the card if he waived the $260.40 charge. I did not know customer officers are empowered to waive charges off my credit cards instantly, no wonder retrenchment is so high for the management positions since they are not needed to make decisions. I took his offer but also marked a date on my organizer to be reminder that each year, I would have to use the same tactic to waive my annual fee charges off.

There are many methods in saving and scrimping during this crisis time and i am tagging on 10 bloggers to share their ideas, what they could do or have done to cut down on the spending during this bad times. If you have any great ideas, why not start your own tagging system and spread the words to your fellow co-bloggers on what they would do to save and cut down on unnecessary spending.

  1. Darren Rowse
  2. Zac Johnson
  3. Charles Lau
  4. Michael Kwan
  5. Blogging From Scratch
  6. BlueFur
  7. Balkhis
  8. Datmoney
  9. The Writers Manifesto
  10. Caroline Middlebrook

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6 Frequently Visited Sites For Dense Popular Keywords

Why do webmasters search the internet for popular keywords to start their next business, what are they looking for and where do they look for these trends?


A number of major search engines provide a way to glimpse into the web's query stream to discover the most popular search keywords or topics. This way you are able to narrow down the small pool of keywords that are popular and plan which niche you are targeting.

Lycos Top 50

It looks more like a MTV Hit-listing which shows you the ups and down of all popular search engine keywords.


Weekly top search trends displayed.Top current queries, or see those in the last hour, last day and within particular categories.

Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you enter. View the volume of queries over time, by city, regions, languages and so on. Compare multiple terms, as well.

Allows you to tab into Technorati's search and popularity database and sieve out according to the top categories on the site.

DogPile Spy

Choose to see either a filtered or non-filtered sample of top, real-time search terms from this popular meta search service.

What is hot and not on the search engine of Yahoo!: Read about Yahoo! Buzz

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Reviving Banned Google Adsense Account In Just One Amazing Step?

My Publisher account was acquired back by Google adsense and I am losing about 30% of my income that is usually generated from this website. I suspect it could be either this two reasons, due to the large number of clicks against my monthly average of unique visitors or spammers who clicks at fast rate and picked up by googlebots since i saw a large amount of clicks last month but did not report to Google in time which was a mistake for me!

Sadly, the mail arrived in my inbox before I could say anything and it was time for Google to disable and ban my account with this dreadful message, no one would want to see.

“While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our advertisers in the future, we’ve decided to disable your account.

Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions about your account or the actions we’ve taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more information by visiting https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=57153&hl=en_US.


The Google AdSense Team"

It did not stop me from finding ways to try and reinstate myself as a Adsense publisher, which i stumbled across a black hat way to cross the "Google firewall" to get back my account. Amazed by the post made by "nextgen66" who is a Digital Forum member, backdated to one year ago in 2007, i decided to try out his method.

Basically, we could use hubpage to register for a Google adsense account and get an automatic approval through hubpage without any consideration and it is faster than applying directly from Google adsense.

Researching through what Hubpage had to say, it seems like "nextgen66" had done his homework and read the FAQ.

"Getting signed up with AdSense is easy. Please follow these step-by-step instructions (Also includes a troubleshooting section if you're running into problems)."

I tried what the FAQ said and I thought it might just work, since the screenshots and explaination fits exactly what was said in the FAQ. It will take 3 days for Google adsense to reply me back!

Did it work after 3 days?
Apparently, it seems to me the whole thing was not working and i consider it as a myth now since the return mail was that it is not accepting me so maybe I got to think of something else to get my account back quick!

I also guess we forgot to scroll down the hubpage FAQ further as it did not give any assurances that we will surely get our Adsense account.

"My application was rejected by Google. Why?We don't know either. Please consult the "rejection" email sent to you by Google. It will give you instructions to fix whatever issue caused the disapproval and give you instructions on how to reapply. If you still have questions about the disapproval, you should respond to that email to reach the AdSense support team who will be able to address the issue."

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