It's all fun on your Facebook, MYSpace and other social media communities when you first joined until unknown users creep into your page to drop you spammy messages and steal your pictures without your permission. Your intention is to first remove your account then open another account and give private access rights to your friends only. It might just take you 5 minutes to register a social community account but it will take you more than 20 minutes just to find the deactivation button to get rid of your account.

Image Credit:saschaaa
Many online users are finding it hard and confusing on the process of removing their account the easy way out and unless your page is being significantly targeted like how Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 22 was revealed as the prostitute at the centre of the sex scandal that led to New York governor Eliot Spitzer's resignation, the New York Times managed to get hold of her biographical data and photographs from her MYSpace page and published these, together with a link to the page. The page had since been taken down, but not after it registered over four millions visits, that is one hell of visitors with the power of social media!
Like i have mention, deleting your account will be much more difficult as many have found to their dismay. Facebook does not allow you to totally delete away your account but what you can do is to deactivate the account and that means you can never leave this Social media, Somehow your data is stored in Facebook archive.
If you are wondering how you can quickly deactivate or remove your accounts here are the steps to help you quit social networking and return back to your Real-Life basics:
You will only be allowed to deactivate your account, which removes your profile listing without deleting your data off the website, i do not know the reason why Facebook book would want to store that much information but then, the priority is to remove your profile from viewers:

- Login to Facebook
- Go to "Account"(highlighted in the red box) on your top right corner
- Click the "Deactivate" option. You will be asked to confirm deactivation as well as the reason behind it which is compulsory, again i am not sure why they need a reason for just the deactivation portion.
I manage to sneak this information out to you guys who do not want to exist on your facebook profile and this is how you are able to delete your account permanently:

- Login to Facebook
- Go to "Help"(red box) at the bottom right of the page.
- Click "Privacy and Security"(orange box) and then "Security".
- Click "I want to permanently delete my account"
- You will be directed to the account deletion message at the bottom and this is where you can access the account deletion form.
- Check the box"Remove my account from facebook" and then click "submit".

Now, did i say you will not be able to delete your account? I guess it can be done!
To delete your account, go according to the steps shown:
- Login to MYSpace
- At the home page, click "Settings" in the control panel.
- Click "Cancel Account". You will then be asked to confirm your decision.
- Click the "Cancel My Account" button to permanently remove your account.
To delete your account, go according to the steps shown:
- Login to Friendster.
- Go to the"Settings" page at the top right of the page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Cancel Account". You will then be directed to the account cancellation form.
- Fill in the reason why you are leaving the network, check the box "Yes", I want to cancel my Friendster Account" and then click "Proceed".
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6 Responses to "How To Get Rid Of Your Social Media Account In Just 60 Seconds"
April 25, 2008 1:30 AM
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One thing about deleting your account is that you need to find out where the heck the button is, but as you point out on the social media sites, especially facebook which had a hidden agenda behind the full deletion of your account.
I just got rid of my facebook account which was filled with "friends" i do not know, gotta start another one new fresh account with those that i am close too.
It was a refreshing piece of information you got there, appreciate your finding on how to get rid of an account.
how do you get of your email address coming up on facebook and myspace when u have deleted ur account
"clear private data" in mozilla, "delete browsing history" in Internet Explorer
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