Let me share with you a list of 10 sites that i consider as being cool and pro social and i just love being part of their community or work that they have created for free.

combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. It provides a whole new perspective on the world. The visuals improve students' (and teachers') understanding of the world by actually seeing the locations. The ability to use and create overlays provides a geographical context for almost any subject area.

Zoho is an online office suite that includes the main word processing, spreadsheet and presentation tools: Zoho Writer, Zoho Sheet and Zoho Show, but also other tools like Zoho Meeting, Zoho Planner,Zoho Creator and Zoho Wiki. It is not as full featured as Microsoft Access; however, it is simple to use, web-based, and you can share your database with others, both privately and openly. I use Zoho Creator to create and maintain a 400+ research article database that supports my writing efforts.

Moodle is a feature rich course management system (CMS) and an excellent tool for setting up a virtual learning environment (VLE). Good for uploading student work and for providing grades and feedback. Easy to add all sorts of resources. Also includes useful blog and wiki features. Does it cost you a single cent? I guess not as i see that you are enjoying this list more now knowing that it's all for free!

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools.

is all about microblogging and that makes you think about what you are doing and keeps you in touch with people you like from all over the world.It's use is not trivial. central to organizational communication and keeping my closest work group informed and on the same page.

SlideShare is the best way to share your presentations with the world. Let your ideas reach a broad audience. Share publicly or privately, this could be a good way to promote your style of presentation to the general public and take their comments as a good way to improve yourself better.

Gcast is where you can make your voice heard by your readers, bloggers and visitors who are interested in what you have to say. It is so far the easiest and no burning of your pocket and it is hosted for you so it is free to get your podcasting working now.

Flickr is a share your photo community. Sharing photos that I have made as well as seeing what others have created is a great service. The additional features of creating groups to share with and geotagging the images increases its educational value.

Ning is a social community that is built to socialize more with your group of core friends that are talking on the same frequency as you. Create your own community in less than 20 mins and start spreading the message out and interact with the people.

TeacherTube, is a site where you can host, tag and share instructional videos. If you like a video you see you can link to it on the TeacherTube site or embed it into a web page or blog. It is also a valuable resource of instructional videos.
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8 Responses to "10 Of The Coolest Sites Used On The Planet Earth"
May 8, 2008 4:38 AM
You have a done a terrific job presenting the top 10 coolest sites. I like the narrative style. A great blog site indeed. Nice post, good info and comprehensive.
This is the first time i have heard of a teacher youtube version and its cool to see it coming from you, cheers!
May 9, 2008 4:16 AM
Great list! I agree with most of them. Thanks for sharing.
May 9, 2008 11:15 PM
yeah i agree with you
But u have forgot to add wikipedia(though it's not cool but amazing site)
May 10, 2008 1:43 PM
Cool info, I've been to a few but now I will have to check the rest of them out. Thanks
May 10, 2008 7:39 PM
Great info. Going to check them right now. TeacherTube, this is quite new for me. Thanks.
July 3, 2008 4:29 AM
Excellent resouce. I fell that zoho in particular is underappreciated. With zoho you can create complex web applications using a drag and drop design interface.
Ad Hoc Development
July 3, 2008 4:31 AM
I agree that Zoho is one of the 10 coolest sites on the internet. They also have a great web application sharing tool that blows netmeeting out of the water.
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