The 2 important steps a blogger need to evaluate before he actually start posting his contents would be the blog theme which takes up 30% of attracting readers to his blog, you can find over 3,000 different blogger and wordpress themes available for free. Another point that many neglect is on the webhosting, if you intend to have your own dedicated web hosting space, ensure that the prices you pay guarantees flawless uptime. Why should you care so much on your webhosting?
Firstly why do you purchase dedicated webhosting when it can't even guarantee the basics of giving you a 100% uptime? I always trust webhost that performs and i will give prices a second thought after being sure about the assured reliable of their performance.
Webhost center needs a strong support center that provides 24/7 enquires. It comes as a nono if the webhost can't provide me with 24/7 support, what if my site goes down and i need an urgent answer, who is to provide me with answers when i need that?
Kaushal Sheth is a prolific wordpress theme designer with many creative designs released on his blog for free and recently he had a blackout and his webhost could not support all his sites which went down for a period of time, it was a bad moment since webhost should have seem such problems arising and could have activated their backup system which could help support his sites till they rectify the problem.
In order to find the best web hosting company, i suggest you run through a guide of web hosting reviews that are given on these websites, on average i see Host Monster and BlueHost rank top 2 in most of the webhost review sites giving awards to them as the best overall and most reliable hosting center.
Here are the ranking given on the websites which you could follow.
I would personally suggest you take up bluehost as i have many friends who have given great reviews on their capability to keep your website running on a guarantee uptime.
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7 Responses to "Which Is The Most Reliable Webhosting Center You Come Across?"
I thought host monster was good and they have a good uptime which i took with them. Cheers!
One of the worst hosting that you can ever use is ix hosting, i never like the price and the space they are giving, gave them up afte 5 months using them, currently sticking to lunar, it's good.
March 24, 2008 9:35 AM
Click on the link to read My Bluehost Review
I have used host monster before and it was excellent hosting given by them.
June 22, 2008 2:51 AM
host monster is not the best, I not recommended it.
July 31, 2008 10:53 PM
The big hosting providers are not good at all, a lot of websites on under capacity servers and lousy support...
September 26, 2008 4:25 PM
As for me the best paid hoster is - is the best free service
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