I wanted to scan my google cheque but i had some hiccups with my scanner, maybe the money i earn will go to good use to get me another new scanner and dump this old one or should i sell it on ebay for starting bid of $1?
My August Income Report 2007
Google Adsense - $207.50
Kontera - $12.40
Bidvertiser - $2.50
BlogVertise - $25.00
PayPerPost - $47.50
- $8.00
Advertise links - $30
eBay- $1462.29
Total - $1792.69 (excluding bidvertiser $2.50)
My blog earned me $330.40 which was a rise from my July income of $159.70 and since its autopilot earnings, it just don't hurt making that amount. I will be aiming for $400 the next month and i will try and optimize my blog to make more money.
I would like to thank Zac Johnson, Senserely and luxury Millionaire for becoming my featured site and at $10 for 6 months till 14th Jan 2008! That would be the cheapest featured link you can ever find! I also want to thank James and daniel who bought me beers and i am grateful. Thanks, i love the beer you bought!
Ebay have been my biggest earnings, which is quite shallow and not talked about in this blog. Basically i do dropshipping with items from other companies in US and China. I do have a list of address of those US dropshippers, (I don't mine giving them the addresses to the direct dropshippers with a beer tipping price!)That explains why i can charge someone an item for $375 twice! Contact me if you want that copy!

I always tell myself not to stick to just one revenue stake because you are putting all the risk to just one program, make sure you try a few other programs which can make you money. After all signing up is free, if you have not made any money or winning a prize before and would like to get your hands to win one, join my simple contest which i will have 5 winners in total to walk aways with cash and prizes!
Remember to to read my free updates on making money tips!
Remember to to read my free updates on making money tips!
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5 Responses to "My Aug 2007 Income Report"
You are doing so well with your ebay! I hope i can earn that amount, thought i am making slow steps with $10 that i earn from payperpost.
September 2, 2007 10:17 AM
Great income man, I am wrapping up this month with...$2.45..ooo
But my blog is fairly new and niche market too. Keep it up!
You are doing pretty well with your income, slowly climb highly, looking forward to that!
September 3, 2007 1:25 PM
Thanks for the info! I like reading about other people's earnings:) Is your ebay business totally separate from your blog, or is it tied in some way? Like do you cross-promote the two? Just curious.
September 3, 2007 2:53 PM
Hi Jeni,
Yes my ebay earnings and auctions are totally separated and there is no link between my blog and my auctions item because they are out of these niche, so i don;t think they are relevant to my blog, other wise i will cross promote.
To cross promote,you can actually use auctionads,they have a function whereby you can add your ebay store or user name and your items will be up for advertising at your blog. One thing good about that is when you sell your product, you also earn through auction ads too when someone buys from the ads you place in your blog! I wrote a article on auction ads setup and dummy guide, you may want to read up on how to setup auction ads.
Hope it helps you!
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