A good blog means allowing friendly navigation around the blog and also not cluttering ads and having to many large pictures which cuts down the efficient loading of your blog page.
Here are 10 reasons why you should get a blog quick with your targeted niche idea you have in mind.
- Blogging allows you to express yourself. Think about how you want put your feelings into words and craft a post expressing how you feel about the society or anything that you would like to highlight to the netizen who judge fairly base on your piece of work.
Blogging gives you freedom. While your job requires you to come in at 9am and leave at 5pm, there is no restriction on when you want to blog and what you want to do. Accomplish what you have to say as and when you like, one thing about blogging is there is no time limitation as to when to start and when to end.
Blogging gives you exposure. A lot of times, writing a resourceful post and even an article on the latest hard news you can find online would give you exposure from visitors all over the world. Do not saturate your topics purely within your country, demographic results varies if your niche is right.
Blogging allows you to talk about anything. You can write on anything under the sun, like i have said there is no limitation to what you would want to write in your blog. The only one that restricts you is yourself, posting on a constant frequency would enable your readers to know when they can expect an update soon.
Blogging increases your speed in typing. It works for me, since i was typing at only 89wpm, now after 1 year of blogging, i thought i had progress pretty well and made an improvement of 101wpm. The habit of using one finger typing on the write editor is completely gone, in order to be effective and efficient and create more time for myself, i trained myself daily to write a post with all 10 fingers working on the keyboard.
- Blogging creates a name for you in the blogsphere. Some know me as Etienne and others call me ET. You need to build your profile from scratch and connect to others via social community and also leaving blogging comments and also on their contact form to inform them on what's interesting on your blog.
Blogging gives you knowledge. Over the year, i had a lot of fun understand and learning from bloggers on social media, blog monetization and more. If i had not started blogging, i guess i would not have known Internet is a place where you can make decent amount of money.
Blogging can earn you money. Nothing but the true, not MLM nor is there any gimmick behind this act which allows you to make a decent amount from blogging. The only catch around this would be working extra hard from the start to build a prolific portfolio to become successful in making money online.
Blogging allows you to substain a stable income. It could come as the toughest part in making that come true but once you attain the ability to maintain a stable income over the net, it means you need to improve yourself in order to make more and more.
Blogging can grow your business. Bloggers who make it rich out there have either something special in their hands or interesting facts which brings visitors to their blog. You can even grow your business if you blog about what benefits your business can give to your readers, will that be of any harm to your business?
Think of a topic which you have been interested all your life, tap into the niche and target on readers who are attracted to what you have to say, will it create continuous articles which you can write on without getting sick of the topics you are presenting? Brainstorm the ideas and write them down on a paper, zoom in and start posting your first blog post.
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5 Responses to "10 Reasons Why You Should Engage In Blogging"
blogging is also one of the way to motivate ones self being.
I thought blogging would come interesting if everyone of us communicates via social community.
February 29, 2008 11:00 PM
For me blogging is a way to share my hobbies and to put in time between fishing seasons. :)
Okay the money I make online allows me to travel and afford my hobbies as they tend to get expensive.
I do enjoy being about to write my hobby blog posts in advance and timestamp them so they publish even when I am on the water with my fly fishing buddies.
Blogging is an outlet that helps me clear my mind so I can fill it up with more experiences.
March 2, 2008 7:13 AM
I really enjoyed your post! I find that blogging helps me to stay focused. I'm learning discipline through blogging.
It is only natural to see why you should engage in blogging as a tool to communication.
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