Believe in carlocab
Believing in his philosophy and strategic articles that tells you more than just earning your first dollar online, you will be amazed by his knowledge at his immature age. Oops did I say immature, yet another word that I use which could have offended carl himself.
Which title post fits him?
“Young Carlocab shows you how to make money online”
“Be as vicious as young Carlocab”
“Who the F is Carlocab”
“How to be as unique as Carlocab”
“Carlocab viral effect”
“Kiddy Blogger Carlocab teaches you to make money online”
“Carlocab Blogger VS Ali Lohan Celebrity”
The keyword was Carlocab and to add this keyword in the search engine I have stated the current figures from all major search engine.
Google: 1,050 “Carlocab” related search
Yahoo: 1,140 “Carlocab” related search
MSN: 2,470 “Carlocab” related search
Alexa: 622 “Carlocab” related search
After finding for the correct title for my review post, I decided on “Carlocab Blogger Verse Celebrity Ali Lohan”. It may sound a little weird why I chose to compare Carlocab with Lindsay Lohan’s younger sister, both at the age of 14 years old this year old made famous and did i say famous, ain’t Carlocab a celebrity already in the blogosphere community? Wouldn’t you agree with me.
Both found their Niche at 13 years old
Carlocab had his niche topic on “Make money online with a 13 years old” that took himself to another level, while Ali Lohan had her first singing debut album “Christmas album Lohan Holiday’ released to niche her singing career!
Both had their names carved on the internet
Would that be true that both have carved out a name for themselves online? Would 1 day carlocab be as famous as Ali lohan? I would say yes and be ready to see how carlocab takes over even Darren Rowse and John chow in their money making blog’s rank.
Who are they in real person?

Maybe a picture comparison of them both of them, would they may a couple in a test? HmM…I am not sure but they could try dating and together they could be the powerful 2 in the internet world and use his blogging skills with Lohan’s media power to create yet another collaborating act in the internet world.
Both have used the media power to boost their names!
Of course Ali lohan had got media exposure since she was in the fashion industry and now singing and acting, but Carlocab? You will be surprised as the media had Carlocab interviewed via email and got Carlocab mentioned on the newspaper, and it was a full article on him mind you, so would you think this 14 years old kid as a phony in making money online or will you think he is simply just great at his age for becoming a so called young guru.
Did Carlocab see this review that i made?
I have had emails, comments and review back from bloggers who appreciate the unique review that was given to them. Since Carlocab has a review batch in place, I could well be in his next following batch as a return or will I also be in his net pals? Lets just wait and see if he returns me a love link or not.Peace my friend!
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14 Responses to "Carlocab Blogger Verse Ali Lohan Celebrity"
there seems to be some similiarity between the 2, but i guess a blogger is so much different from a celebrity in the real world..
July 17, 2007 9:57 PM
Hey great post. Carlo is going amazing. Search for Make Money Online and I believe he is on the first page of Google.
Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments are great.
I can't wait for your guest post.
July 17, 2007 10:27 PM
no problem, jake look forward to that too..
July 18, 2007 12:13 AM
that was an interesting review that i have heard, great for carl
September 15, 2008 4:07 PM
This is getting way too boring. Seriously I believe that its time we ignore this chick. I dont think she does anything worthwhile and any news that is reported of her is just another bad influence.
There should be a media ban on her.
November 9, 2008 3:36 PM
Well, thats the lindsay profile that i know.. :) anyway nice to see your blog here... :)
December 30, 2008 1:19 PM
Who Lindsay Lohan real?:)
February 7, 2009 8:41 AM
Great review again...One of the "Top Notch Blogger" very young age he is making so much money like him someday :)
February 14, 2009 9:32 PM
iam a regular reader of carlocab and even made a guest post there.i like his ways of seo particularly.
April 7, 2009 5:55 AM
wonderful post
thanks alot
April 7, 2009 5:57 AM
thank u sir
thanks alot for nice thinking
April 25, 2009 12:41 PM
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