With another week and a half to go before John's Rss Reader war against Shoe is over, the evil darth vadar unleashes his JohnChow ToolBar made for his dedicated servants to use and pledge their loyalty to him, HAHA! There seems to be a major jump in Rss Readers over the 2 days which i noticed and now with 11735 Readers, i don't see why John could not wear the shoe for the month of October!
Chris Garett wrote a post on 10 steps for beginner bloggers to start with, and why his steps are different and could well alter your course as a blogger by reading other experienced bloggers who have been on the same niche that you want to start now and it is time that you subscribe to their Rss Reader or read their blog daily and that will be your first step to becoming successful.
Dailyblogtips is really a gem, it came at the right time for me to do a speedlink on his article regarding how you should spend time creating a logo that display your full url. Most of the people online do not read the url on the browser first, but the logo will be what they will capture first, Daniel Scocco had some great screenshot examples. I realise my logo might need a change soon or else others might mistaken mine as just http://www.etienne.com/ which is a jewellery website and do i own it? NO!
I am very sure Doshdosh is hitting my speedlinking karma almost every weekend because no matter which post, he always produce great quality post that attracts many who follows and just yesterday he talked about how you can step into an entertainment niche and create more money.
The Cow stands up to teach you how to measure your blog's success with 3 simple advice which you could follow to know where you stand as a popular blogger. Firstly it is your month visitor stats, secondly it is the amount of money your make online and lastly it is your Rss Readers subscribing to read your blog. I would like to see an increase to at least 200 Rss Readers on my blog, what could i do to make that increase, make it further more interesting?
When the sneaky bastard created the blogging movie for the rookie of the year 2007, my blog was shortlisted as a rookie and i am happy to be found there, somewhere in the chuck of over hundreds of name, so if you want to drop me a vote, you can always go to bloggingthemovie and drop me a vote!
Courtney Tuttle recently had a project running and a total of 44 participating bloggers took part to blog on different topic on internet marketing and i am proud to be in one of the category with my post on how you can optimize your blog images on image search and that leaves you with another 43 more amazing articles to follow!
That should be one hell of a read for this sunday that you can spend on your computer, have you also decided that you should can social media to boost your stumbler ranking? Stumble the post that you feel is worth reading and remember to download my 14 page report and turn yourself into a top 50 stumbling machine!
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Courtney Tuttle, produced a great 44 articles list, i read a few and they are great post!
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