These methods require your visitors to click on the banners or affiliate links to purchase a product or even get a free report in return for a subscription on their newsletter. How are you going to profit from this depends on how the structure of your presell page. An affiliate marketer should always remember that creating the appropriate content could spark a conversion sales quickly and efficiently.

Why am i not getting any sales, what am i doing wrong?
If you do not make any sales from your presell pages, somewhere must be wrong and it is time to evaluate what could be the cause of it. We should learn from the common mistakes made frequently by others.
What you need to promote as an affiliate marketer?
An affiliate marketer should only promote on the benefits and usability of the product and nothing else, the presell page should be short and straight to the point with your honest review and recommendation. The selling strategy and features of the product should be covered by the guru himself and all you need to do is to direct your customer through your affiliate link and whether he buys the product will solely depend on how well crafted the sales page is.
Creating a Presell Page that Sells
Start by creating a Web page with your contents then if you run a blog, do another short review on the product that you have installed for your readers. You can also run a banner ads on your blog and if you readers are interested they will visit and from there on it will lead to your presell page then to the sales page.
A few tips that you can use for creating your presell page:
Keep your Content Short and Sweet, Show the benefits and let the sales page sell the product you are promoting.
An honest review is recommended, don't hardsell a product and say it is good without knowing where this product comes from.
Buy the product yourself to try, it will be the best way to win your customers around.
Multiple Linking at the start and at the end of your presell page is important, because it reminds your customers that you are promoting that product and the link is just in front of them which they can easily click and be directly straight away.
- Cloaking your affiliate link is not advisable because Google hates it, though it is a great way to hide your direct affiliate links if you are using HTML. If you are on PHP then you can hide your affiliate links using this simple trick which can convert to sales much easily than using direct links.

Let me give you an example of how a user promotes Ewen Chia's Autopilot profits on squidoo. It is short and straight to the point with benefits and bonus of what you will receive if you buy this product.
Compare this presell page with the actual sales page from autopilotprofits and you will see how long and draggy the sales page is going to be. Will you even click on the links provided if this is your presell page, i doubt so. Do your research on how others write their presell pages and make it work on yours.
Using Article Directory to boost awareness
Another very important viral marketing that you can use to further increase your sales is to develop a list of unique contented reviews and publish them on article directories which could help you convert sales as well.
This is a list of 15 article directories that i always use to boost my affiliate sales. You can bookmark it for future use.
- Article Avenue
- Article Alley
Articles Base
- Article 99
- Article City
Article Depot
- Article DashBoard
- Article Factory
- Article Sender
- eArticlesonline
- EzineArticles
- iSnare
- GoArticles
Site Reference
Are you Ready to Create your page?
I am sure that you can easily setup your own presell page within the next hour or 2. Remember that a presell page does not require you to sell the points and features of the product but a review on the benefits that you as a customer can get when you purchase the product.
While you are busy creating your next presell page, i will be working hard on my article marketing so as to promote my pages to a wider group of customers to convert my contents to money.
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3 Responses to "How to Create Effective Affiliate Tactics and Increase your Conversion Sales"
Thanks for the tip, yea i have been using the article technique for some time and have cash in a bit on affiliate.
October 18, 2007 10:54 AM
i have been on squidoo, but i am not really making much affiliate dollars, the traffic is very important i guess..
October 29, 2007 3:18 AM
your tips have slowely been helping my sites. Thanks I appreciate it!
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