With my make money online blog slowly evolving, I am starting to remove ads that is annoying to the readers on my front page. The Usual Google Adsense is nowhere to be noticed on the front portion of my content. Wouldn't that affect your income?
With the poorly positioned ads, i must be honest to say i make cents out of Adsense for now. I intend to remove Adsense for good, because i am focusing on attracting direct advertisers. The reason why i am dropping out every single ads unit on my content is because the content is too cluttered with ads unit for my readers and they are placed aggressively on my top right hand side and 468x60 banner just below my content.
This lost of income will surely affect me, but as a money making blog i must be determine to find the right advertisers that i want on my blog. Removing the ads do improve one thing and that was the number of readers coming back again, i see a 40% rise from my average daily visitors to return back and read my contents again, this is a valuable lesson which i learned, while i don't make any more income from this blog other than my last ad unit placed, i seriously think i will not receive any more fat adsense cheques ever again!
My have been on the rise again, lets hopeful i can hit 200 readers soon, i intend to give something out to my loyal readers, so watch out for my prize, which i will randomly pick from my those who subscribed.
What i am going to do over the next 2 weeks will be sending out emails to potential advertisers to look at my site and analysis whether they would like to advertise on my blog for a special price offered to them.
I am not sure whether it will work 100%, but if i just sit here and wait for someone to contact me for advertising space then it might not even happen. Why not increase the percentage by half contacting them and even if they were to decline, it is worth a try. Let's see who will be my advertisers for the month of November 2007.
If you will like to advertise on my blog, contact me and i am sure we can come to an agreement on the price that you can afford. My aim is to sell all my space by this month, so lets see what's the outcome!

3 Responses to "Making Zero Dollars but a Rise in Readers!"
I just Love blogs that are without any advertising on the contents...you have a great blog.. I have subscribed through your feed.
October 19, 2007 8:49 PM
I used a no ads model as well, it works better for me.
Hey Wizcoder, i also notice that coming with lesser cluttering of ads on my contents..
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