Among 45 entries who submitted through my blog carnival, Close to 20 entries were not related to blogging nor making money online, mainly those articles targets businessman, credits and college insurance and loans, i mean when have my blog started to talk about these?
A reply from a blogger to my mail: "why is my entry not related, you said make money online tips and blogging tips, didn't you?"
To answer that I did put up such claim that as long as your entry is related to make money online or blogging tips you are welcome to join this carnival, but did you read my blog's content before hand to know what i am blogging about before you actually send your article to me? If you had done so, you would not have send me irrelevant articles which you could bet on me not releasing articles not related to my blog.
For those who i have rejected for other reasons, it can be due to the length of article, content delivery or self product promotion. It should purely be good blogging tips and ways to make money online using Programs that pay you eg. Google Adsense, CJ, Linkworth, AdBrite and many others.
Before you submit your articles to fellow bloggers, read their blog and know what they expect from your articles so that they can present to their readers. You can always and read up on their daily updates before submitting, i am very sure by doing your homework, your article will accepted. For now lets enjoy the 14 exclusive tips from the rest of these bloggers.
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3 Responses to "How to Avoid your Article Being Rejected by a Blogger"
Delivery of the content is very important!
September 23, 2007 5:05 AM
Reading up on other blogs helps in someway and you can learn a lot from them.
September 26, 2007 4:00 PM
Thank you for including my article in your blog carnival. It is very much appreciated ;)
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