DealDotCom is run by a handful of code monkeys and assorted minions. The guys in charge are just a couple of lovable Internet Marketers who think that fun and excitement should be injected into the otherwise predicable, dry, and boring world of Internet Marketing.These Internet marketers who are a handful of code monkeys have given me something to talk about. After the timer hits oo:oo:oo, it return back to the 99 days as shown below then it went into a 404 page not found, before everything went to normal. What the hell went wrong, i thought the site was suppose to load automatically to the front page in style. Was this a scam?

The site launches in style!
Everything was not lost when the site sprung up to live! But only after i refreshed my button 10 times. I guess it was just me feeling all excited to see what was their first product up for sales!
The design
The similarity was almost 95% accurate between dealdotcom and woot!, compare the 2 sites and tell me what you found not similar in!

While woot is successfully getting discussion comments for the products they are selling, DealDotcom is not going to get any comments till they fix their error in their product page.

Don't worry if you intend to deal this product now, the "buy it now!" button is working perfectly fine.
This Deal is sure worth it!
I went on to easymemberpro and looked at the sales page which they were offering the product. Every detail seems pretty much similar, but one very glaring number caught my eyes to stop and start comparing when the price for this unlimited site license actually cost $297 on easymemberpro site and god that is a promotional price, Whereas if you were to buy it from dealdotcom, you get everything as stated for the price of just $148.50, that is like 50% off the promotional price! It is surely a DEAL!
Make Money online with DealDotCom
I could not have stressed more that you can actually make money by becoming an affiliate master with DealDotCom, what they are offering is going to amaze you!
When you refer others to DealDotCom and they get their free account, they are marked in our system as having been referred by you. Anything that they ever buy from us nets you a 35% commission. Notice the word "ever" in the previous sentence... as in FOREVER. It doesn't matter if they buy something tomorrow, next week, or fifty years from now - you're going to get paid. What's more, anyone that they refer to DealDotCom goes on your second tier. Anything people on your second tier buy nets you a 15% commission. Again, FOREVER.
Signup with DealDotCom
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4 Responses to "Launch of DealDotCom Sprung Alive!"
I did not like the easymemberpro script though, let me just wait for the next day to see what they can offer.
September 19, 2007 4:45 AM
We can pretty much confirm it is rock-bottom DEAL on DealDotCom!
How's your network buidling up till now? Any tips to share regarding how to increase downlines?
September 19, 2007 9:56 AM
It's doing decently and to increase the network line, you can invite your blogging friends, rss feeds readers to join you and i gave a good shoutout during the time it was on pre-launch to my own community in mybloglog and blogcatalog and exclusively to them only. I guess they heard me and joined the site. Let's see which queen bee works hard to get me my killer bees!
Im looking for a membership script to integrate into my existing site. Ive been looking for the last 5days. Ive seen some scripts for as low as $19. and up $500. Ive narrowed my search to easymemberpro and 2 others. I use on my site.
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