Gaining traffic in the internet have always been one of the most troubled factor for most of the bloggers. It's very hard to receive traffic if you don't promote yourself and even if you do promote yourself, would you gain substainable traffic?
BlogRush is an all new Blog Syndication Network that promises you traffic and i mean you will grow your blog traffic exponentially as claimed.
The fastest and easiest way to drive a flood of targeted readers to your blog..absolutely free!
Why you should get your blogrush
- As claimed you don't have to do anything but add that widget and wait for traffic.
- It helps you in ensuring targeted readers to your blog.
- It creates a viral traffic for you.

It seems crazy but it's true that what blogrush claim is going to give you maximum exposure.Let's say you have the widget on your blog already. John chow comes your site and joins blogrush.
With John chow traffic stats at 10,000 views and if he had the widget placed under your referral then you will receive 10,000 times exposure of your blog across the network under your category, remember you have your traffic and if you hit 1,000 views then a total of 11,000 exposures are placed across your network!
Now if Bill gates is to signup under John chow from his widget and his blog is receiving 100,000 views with his widget placed, John will receive 100,000 times and his own traffic. You will receive both john and bill's traffic with maxmium exposure.
You can watch the video for a better visually understanding of how it works
So what other function can blogrush show me?
They have 2 filter functions which allows you to choose what you want to show on your widget.
- Keyword Filter - You are able to filter off a certain keyword which you do not want to show.
- Blog Filter - Let's say you don't like my blog, you can filter my blog off your widget so that it does not show, i hope this does not happen? =)
I am very sure it's going to be a good start, going to monitor the traffic stats through my Google analytics.
Signup for Blogrush
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6 Responses to "Blog Rush is the all New to Increase your Traffic Stats"
September 16, 2007 6:05 PM
It is a promising way of gaining traffic..great program!
September 16, 2007 6:45 PM
let`s see how good it works.
September 19, 2007 4:41 AM
How is the widget doing for you? Has it start to send traffic your way? I am still tracking the stats on my blog as I've just installed the widget like less than 48hrs ago.
September 19, 2007 9:50 AM
I got like 5 referral who joined me and blogrush sent out close to 1000 of mine post to random blogger's blogrush to advertise. I don't think they can tell who click on it or so. Anyway it's free traffic, let me just leave it there and see who else would want to join me in the referral credit zone. Hope you are doing well too.
March 18, 2008 5:27 PM
Have you seen the Easy Viral Traffic blog yet? They provide some pretty cool information about how to get free website traffic... check it out http://www.easy-viral-traffic.com/blog/
I can't argue that it's a good way of gaining trafficc, but I have seen first hand the BEST way to gain traffic. And the ebst way I have found to gain traffic for little or no cost is http://theviralscript.com/
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