What is dealdotcom all about?
It is a new website and program which will provide internet marketers with valuable software, ebooks, information products, PLR packages, scripts,building an online business, increasing traffic, monetizing your websites, blogging, web design at bargain prices with a solid deal introduced each and every day.
Why i should be quick signing up as a member and start earning from affiliating?
Permanent Lifetime Two-Tier Commissions!
If you've been in the Internet Marketing world for more than 30 seconds, then those five little words have probably made you start shaking with anticipation. We understand - it's okay. Tuck your tongue back into your mouth and read on:When you refer others to DealDotCom and they get their free account, they are marked in our system as having been referred by you. Anything that they ever buy from us nets you a 35% commission. Notice the word "ever" in the previous sentence... as in FOREVER. It doesn't matter if they buy something tomorrow, next week, or fifty years from now - you're going to get paid. What's more, anyone that they refer to DealDotCom goes on your second tier. Anything people on your second tier buy nets you a 15% commission. Again, FOREVER. Signup with an invite!
DealDotCom Offers you Insane Low Price!
What DealDotCom intends to do is everyday they will have 1 product which will be on sale for an insanely low price and limited copies. That product will only be available until it sells out, or until midnight the next night, when we pull it down and start selling a new product.
Are you Invited?
DealDotCom will not go live until in 2 days time, in the mean time joining DealDotCom is base on invites from me and those who have an account already, signup now and start promoting to enjoy your affiliate earnings for a lifetime.
How do I get paid?
If you have a PayPal account, DealDotCom can pay you through that. DealDotCom can also send you a check via snail mail for those who are not approved on PayPal.
Banners to give you maximize earning
Banners were already created for DealDotCom. They look pretty good to start with and i am sure more and more banner will emerge for DealDotCom. For now these are the 3 you can take as your promotional tools.

If so many internet marketers have it, why not you signup for a free account before it opens up to the public, be exclusive!
Get Invited into DealDotCom
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7 Responses to "Make Money Online with DealDotCom"
Its sure an invite, i have signed up and will be inviting my friends soon..thanks!
Great information on dealdotcom, i tried going to their site and indeed they are on count down..guess this invite is a good marketing scheme!
September 16, 2007 7:15 AM
Thanks for the invite Teo. I received your message through mybloglog.
I've just signed up under your referral. When I'll get some people buying under me, you'll get paid too. Isn't that beautiful?
September 16, 2007 11:00 AM
blogadollar,yes its just that beautiful, you should talk about it to create a buzz, this program is promising.
thanks kerry and daisy for signing up as well!
Thanks for inviting me to signup! Its a worthy wait withe dealdotcom, thats a good affiliate offer!
September 21, 2007 4:42 AM
Thanks for the heads up etienne i will give it a try later.
February 2, 2010 4:11 PM
But getting a good deal without a good website is not possible.
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