I thought DealDotcom is all about making a Deal Count?
Puzzled and Amazed by the $0.29 cents slash off from the original product? Please take a while to do some calculation and you will know that dealdotcom acutally gave you a deal already in their eyes.
Note the name of this website - DealDotCom... the operative word here being DEAL. Whatever you're selling through us must be an actual DEAL. Offering $10 off a $500 product is definitely not a deal. Likewise, allowing us to sell your $47 product for $97, and letting us keep the extra fifty bucks is most certainly not a deal.$10 of $500 is just 2%, so as long as your product offers 2% and below, it is not considered as a deal in the eyes of DealDotCom, so offering a $0.29 slash is actually a deal, because after doing my maths this product has a 3% saving in total, it's surely a deal, ain't it?
Make your choice... One man's wig... buy it today and have a full head of men's hair tomorrow or get access to ProductBlueprint : Product Domination and start making full-time income online with simple information products...
For $7.66 and i get Master Resell Rights for this copy, worth the money!
If you have bought the Blueprints at $7.66 and saved the $0.29, it sure is a deal and once you read the contents in the ebook , i am sure you would rather save up the $7.66 and wait for a better product to come along and just read blogs that teaches you to make money online like me!
Ebook and reports are old, do yourself a good deed and give them for free for better returns
Ebook used to hit the center stage and flourished in the internet marketing business, but it's long dead now, reports and ebooks are now given and used as luring baits to "hook bigger fishes" to their main product that they are selling. Let me give you an additional tip that could kickstart your money making journey - starting in the next 3 minutes for free 100% guaranteed!

Come on DealDotCom, show me products that are worth affiliating for and purchasing! I am going to write in to the monkey coders and tell them to give the ebook away, i am sure this product will hit be a record low sales!
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3 Responses to "DealDotCom Loses its Steam by Releasing its Worst Product ever seen!"
I hope they will produce better result, googlelady bought the product and its sucks like what she had said...
September 23, 2007 5:51 PM
I agree that ebooks are a bit 'old' in a way, but there are still great uses for them. Maybe not for that one, though...
Any idea why I don't see any of your blog posts in my Technorati Favourites?
September 23, 2007 7:23 PM
I have noticed that my blog post are not arriving at other's technorati, i was thinking whether should i lose everything and start any other account, because there is a huge problem with my technorati account.
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