The importance of using a good social media to communicate between friends from one end to the others does not seem significant, especially when nothing crops up or incident turning into a disaster that needs immediate help from your friends.
In this case, , a University of California, Berkeley, journalism graduate student who loves to venture into events about mystery and family members who had been detained overseas in a protest had gone missing after weeks.
As part of his degree project, he was exploring in Shenzhen, city in China on the suspected missing people who have yet to be found after few weeks. Darren was on the street doing his interviews when two policemen approached him and seized his recorder and arrested him without any good reason.
Darren quickly sent out a one word text message from his cell phone to twitter: Arrested". His friends on the network received the message and promptly contacted UC Berkeley, the US Embassy in China and the media. The university then hired a lawyer and got him out of jail the next day.
Why Use Twitter?
Imagine you only have a few seconds to react, like call your friends for help, before your cellphone is taken away. Rather than call someone and risk getting redirected to a voicemail and you can turn to like Twitter.
Twitter allows users to post their musings on the service through sms, instant messaging or web browsers.
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2 Responses to "Twittering Your Way To Freedom"
April 23, 2008 7:09 PM
I like Twitter but I don't use it like I should. I do use Twhirl now so that I can have my account open all the time.
Twhirl has helped me use Twitter more. I hope I am never in a situation that I would need to use Twitter to save my butt but it's good to know that it just might do that.
August 29, 2008 10:16 PM
Cheers buyhimarootbeer please readers n posters givers n takers thank you for this excellent social media topic who would have thought a few months ago twitter could give such this much freedom of expression online but nothing better explains the power of being a member of this twittering social community networking tweet system than this off-line tweet tweet yes twitter is communicational in more ways than fits the bill ... so to tweet lol
All my best to you and what's happing around your cage
Phillip Skinner
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