This Contest have been running for 11 days already and i am excited to see more and more readers are taking this chance to win for themselves something from my blog bash contest, There are more sponsors in the list and we will expected more prizes to be given out to more readers. I am happy that even after my call for sponsors, there are still many more sponsors who would like to be a part of this contest, let me that this ooportunity to thank all of the sponsors who are involved!
Finally Breaking My 500 Rss Reader Mark!

This is by far the easiest way to win prizes by subscribing through your email, don't worry all emails will not be sold to any 3rd parties or be used in any form of illegal transaction, it would be safe to subscribe and win prize from my treasure box. I would be giving away random prize to winners who , ain't that the easiest way to win some prizes online. Deadline is on 13th Apr 2008 GMT0800.

Already five guest post have been chosen to win and that leaves for another nine more guest post to win my give-away-prizes. Topics should not cover any Sexual contents, Porn, Gambling or illegal stuff. Submit in your entry to profitlinez[at]gmail[dot]com directly. Please attach your guest post in the email, once chosen and posted on my blog, you win for yourself prizes that will be announced on 14th Apr 08. With three more days and nine more prizes to give away, will there be any more keen contestants?
Brag away about my Contest
Talk about my contest on your blog and link to the sponsors, drop me a comment with your link and i will have your entry added into my random winning list, it's that simple!
Rule no 1 - Link to my Blog Contest on your blog entry.
Rule no 2 - Link to all the sponsors on your blog entry.
Rule no 3 - Make sure Rule 1 and 2 is followed to win my prizes, it's that simple!
Add me as your Fave Friend!
Growing my list of "Friends" which i prefer to call gives me a chance to read your latest update simply on one page, you add me on your Technorati, drop me a comment here and i will have your name in a Technorati random list.
There are 3 Top prizes that you can walk away by talking about this contest and giving the sponsors a shout. Here are the Top 3 Prizes you can walk away with!

- 1 x Premium Theme License ($250 value)- Adii Wordpress Rockstar
- 1 Year Subscription to our new speedy Plan ($93 value)- Top Hosting Center
- 1 x Atomic Blogging Package ($197 value)- Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
- 1 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse

- Free lifelong membership with ABC ($399/Year Value)- AmericasBestCompanies
- 1 x License of FruitfulTime TaskManager ($30 Value)- Fruitfultime
- Flash Components ($100 Value)- FlashLoaded
- 1 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse

- One year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
- 1 x Atomic Blogging Package ($197 value)- Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
- 1 x Pack of 80 photoshop brushes - Justcreativedesign
- 1 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
- 1 x Premium Theme License - Adii Wordpress Rockstar
- 1 x Single User Revolution Theme License - Brian Gardner
- 1 x Premium Theme License - WordpressThemeMarket
- $399/year Free lifelong membership with ABC - AmericasBestCompanies
- $250 Cash from PepperJamNetwork - PepperJamNetwork (Signup as affiliate To win)
- $200 advertising on Bidvertiser - Bidvertiser (Signup as an advertiser to win)
- 100 x One Buck Wiki ($2000 value)- One Buck Wiki
- 1 Year Subscription to our new Speedy Plan - Top Hosting Center
- 1 Year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
- $100 worth of Flash Components - FlashLoaded
- 1 x License of FruitfulTime TaskManager - Fruitfultime
- 2 x Atomic Blogging Package - Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
- 1 x Pack of 80 photoshop brushes - Justcreativedesign
- 5 x Banner Design - Datmoney
- 5 x DIY Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
- 5 x The Eating Cereal with a Fork Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
- 1 x Internet Marketing Package Ebooks - BooksWealth
- 1 x Domain Name(.com,.net,.biz,.org) - YoungMillionaire
- 1000 Entrecard credits - DatMoney
- 1000 Entrecard credits - Shamoneymaker
- 1000 Entrecard credits - Toasteggme
- 1000 Entrecard credits - Infodoorway
- 1000 Entrecard credits - Etienne Teo
- 1000 Entrecard credits - Yimto
- $100 cash via Paypal - Ryan Shamus
- $50 cash via Paypal - YeePage
- $50 cash via Paypal - Shamoneymaker
- 1 x Blog Review - Michael
- 1 x Blog Review - Infodoorway
- 1 x Blog Review - Brandon Hopkins
- 1 x Blog Review - Charles Lau
- 1 x SEO Review - Darin
- 1 x Video Review - Charles Lau
- 1 x Blog Consultation - Charles Lau
- One Month text link ad - Michael
- One Month text link ad - AdesBlog
- 3 x One Month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
- 1 x Two Months 153 x 124 Banner - Crenk
- 1 x Two Months 125x125 Banner - Tyler Cruz
- One Month 125x125 Banner - Superbloggingtips
- One Month 125x125 Banner - Etienne Teo
- One Month 125x125 Banner - Infodoorway
- One Month 125x125 Banner - ScriptDebate
- One Month 125x125 Banner - Jim Karter
- One Month 125x125 Banner - Darin
- 5 x Money Reign T-shirt - Zac Johnson Super Affiliate (Got to be US Resident)
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3 Responses to "Blog Bash Now $6345 Worth Of Cash And Prizes!"
Subscribed and it looks good, dying to win a prize which i have missed from winningtheweb!
Subscribed and having fun, cant wait for the 14th Apr!!
April 11, 2008 10:30 AM
I joined when the contest started.
Good luckto everyone!
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"Comments posted on Etienne Teo are moderated and will be approved only if they are on-topic and not abusive. Please use our contact or comment form for blogging or article related questions You may add your url but please don't spam - Thanks Etienne."