If you have Stumbleupon Toolbar installed on your IE or Firefox, you should have notice by now there are a variety of buttons available for your to click on and the commonly used buttons would be the first three of them, "Stumble!" "Thumbs up" and Thumbs Down".
Look further to your right and you will see another button "Send To". In order to use this button. You will need a list of mutual friends which means you and "Andy" needs to add each other in your friends list before you can send your daily stumbles to your friends. This is a very important step because without a mutual agreement for both parties to have each other on their list, the names will not show up on the "Send To" Column and you will not be able to send your daily stumbles to your social friends.
An Example would be finding an interesting article, photo or even video and on your browser's toolbar, Click on your "Send To" button, and click on your mutual friends name "".

Type into the message box which popup next, what you want to let your social friend know about this interesting piece of article you found. Now that you know what you can do with your stumbleupon toolbar, why not try sending a few interesting articles to your fellow friends now!
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4 Responses to "Share Daily Stumbles With Your Mutual Friends"
It was kind of you to let me know how do i do it and i appreciate that. Thanks!
Helped me a lot in finding my friends.Thanks!
thanks for your post, it was great information!
It came in time for me to know how i can find my mutual friends in the community.
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