You might come to a roadblock when a blog does not have a "Contact" Page. I am sure you have seen bloggers who does not have even the basic "contact" page and you are looking for a way to communicate with them but just unable too.
It is crucial to show your readers that you are available. Within this post, I will go run over ten ways to show your readers that you are available to them. If you have your own tips, I would love to read them on my comments.
8. Contact Form
It is very important that your blog does have a contact page so that your readers knows they are able to query without much hassle. If you are on wordpress, add a original Ryan duff's contact form to your blog or if you are on blogger, blogosquare created a simple tutorial for you to follow and create your own contact form.
7. Enable Your Comments
By default your comments will be enabled but due to certain reasons a blogger could remove or banish the comments from their blogs
- The blogger doesn’t have time to moderate comments.
- The blogger doesn’t want his or her writing influenced by comments.
- The Blogger hates comments
6. Respond To Comments
Due to time constraint, you might not be able to respond to every single post made by your readers but make the effort to answer the few you have randomly picked to answer their questions. That is the best way to keep your readers at bay of saying you don't respond and you know readers do not like it when the blogger does not respond to his question. Interacting with your readers is the beginning of establishing a conversation with your readers.
5. Contact your First Time Commenters
Other than the robotic way of saying "thank you for visiting my blog for the first time". You could take some time and effort to write a more personalize email to the commenter yourself. This is one of the reason why i signed up as a subscriber for some of the blog who gave a much more personal touch.
4. Multiple Contacts
Don't feel devasted if is not working, all you need is your email address and a couple more social network contacts which your readers can easily find you on. My contact page does not only have a form but also my MSN, direct email address and some social network & community that i am currently active.
3. Gabbly ChatBox
Commonly used by blogspot users who place them on the sidebars, it is one of a way to chat with your readers online. It’s a free chat service for people reading the same webpage requiring no registration or downloads.
You can either embed Gabbly chat right inside your blog pages or provide an external link where visitor can click and interact with other people who are also viewing the same page.
[Create Gabbly Chatbox]
2. MSN
It might be the most common way to communicate between a reader and blogger in a 2 way communication source. MSN is used by many and it is a free chat service provided by microsoft. I will know when they are online and i can chat with they whenever i want to and wait for a reply.
[Create your MSN]
1. Skypecasts Conference
Skypecasts Beta is a new feature introduced with Skype 3.0. It allows readers to interact with

A total of 100 people can be fixed on your dedicated skypecast station, decide your date that you would want to answer all your readers questions, place a button on your blog to spread the word and then people join in.
[Create SkypeCast]
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8 Responses to "Eight Simple Ways For Readers To Interact With You"
Zoho is a great ware to use for a contact form but currently they are not accepting new registration.
@Mike, that is so sad, zoho no longer accepts other new registration
I have used skypechat before, it always disconnect and connect again, not really very friendly.
Very nice summary ... sometimes it is the obvious things that many people missed! Cheers and Stumbled!
December 12, 2007 4:15 AM
Many of those little details you mentioned goes a long way in creating a lasting impression to our readers.
Impression goes a long way! Give them a good one.
December 12, 2007 6:00 AM
Impression indeed goes a long way..
December 24, 2007 7:17 PM
I am impresse by what you have delivered here. Great tips!
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"Comments posted on Etienne Teo are moderated and will be approved only if they are on-topic and not abusive. Please use our contact or comment form for blogging or article related questions You may add your url but please don't spam - Thanks Etienne."