John Chow sticky Blog Theme
Lets have a look on how John's Blog Theme has brought in the many "Look a Like".The Blog consist of 3 Main Components and i will have them listed out for you to throw in thoughts.
The Navigation and Search bars are neatly laid above the content page, no obstructive buttons are at the content post page.Looking further down and you will find a large banner of not John Chow himself but his favourite car(Jako also listed 3 other similar blogs that uses cars and has a similar theme to John chow) and it pretty much stayed there for 2 years.
Content page
The Content Page covers most of his article post and his ads with both Adsense and TTZ Media, with a Powerful Title in place and a 4 digits number of views with comments no less than 20 per post.
The Sidebar covers his Feed subscriptions,Featured sites,Recent and Top Post and Comments with a Neat Blogroll and did you buy John Chow a pitcher since he may be tired after a post?
Look a Like Blogger Time!
Covering what i have to say about his blog, its time to show you the Look a Like(Sorry that i am unable to post all the screenshot of every individual blogs). I will showcase 5 similar John Chow Blog theme and the rest will be tagged in this blog. Want to be the next Look a Like John Chow Blog?






Some of the other Look a Like blogs that are to be listed
- Bob Buskirk
- Financial Freed
- CashQuests
Shaun Carter
- John Hok
- Ronaldo Camacho
Rick Yuen
Gary Lee
- Kenneth Dreyer
- Eisema
?-->Next using blogger?
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12 Responses to "John Chow's Look a Like Blogs"
August 10, 2007 12:22 PM
I'm not so sure all these blogs will do that well over time, but if it does then more power to 'em:)
August 10, 2007 4:10 PM
I also hope these blog are doing well, the fact that their template mistylook seems to be a popular choice and i may be changing to that template soon on blogger..haha!
August 10, 2007 8:02 PM
Wow You did a lot of research and your work is surely commendable, yeah its all about being T.N.R.
Thanks again
August 11, 2007 1:57 AM
I don't think all of those blogs look like John Chow's. Cash Quests certainly doesn't. Interesting, if not entirely worthwhile, research.
August 11, 2007 3:15 AM
I've just written about how to do minimum customizations to Misty Look. I list 5 sites as examples, but looks like there's a lot more!
My choice was fully influenced by John, but as I explored the theme files a bit more, I saw it was quite optimized for SEO purposes.
I have plans to create a theme myself, but for now Misty Look is good enough to me.
Thanks for the mention.
August 11, 2007 4:53 AM
mine looks like it too! go see :)
...not really, but hey, it's worth a try :)
August 11, 2007 1:17 PM
hi angel,their color scheme and some techniques maybe different but overall its got that JC look.
August 11, 2007 1:21 PM
yeah basscleff,you almost got it! there was similiarity...Pimping JC's blog..
Ronaldo,tell me when you are done with your theme, cause i am going to start another blog project and would be using a new domain hosting with wordpress theme, considering many themes already.
August 11, 2007 4:00 PM
Well, you know that I agree! And not only is it the entire layout of the blog, which is being copied. But also the main topic, "making money online". Now days, it seems like everyone has a master degree in this! Thanks for the link :) Good post.
August 31, 2007 11:32 PM
I was surprised when Net Business Blog came out with this post about John Chow Look a Likes and that I made the list. I think anyone with a Misty Look template could be considered a copycat. It's a great, customizable, easy to use template. But I'm appreciative for the dozen or so backlinks I've received because of being on the list!
September 1, 2007 2:09 AM
You got to agree that this is a way that created a viral backlink for you!
April 23, 2009 8:19 PM
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