These are the recommended article submission sites that i have come across to be working fine.
>>DESCRIPTION: Article Alley Created as an internet resource to help promote the understanding of the internet and www related issues.Article Alley have been collecting articles and been writing our own articles since 2002, Article Alley collection became so large that they decided the time was right to build a site dedicated to these articles, and to encourage and promote authors to submit fresh content.
>>DESCRIPTION: Article Dashboard is an online article directory for both publishers and authors. Formed in August of 2005, strives to become a leader in the world of online publishing by providing syndication services to website owners, ezine publishers, and more.In addition to our services for authors, webmasters may download our free software that powers this site and start their own article directories. We encourage you to weigh the benefits of developing your own article directory and challenge you to build a quality resource for your visitors. You can easily customize our software to create niche directories, or broad have complete control.
>>DESCRIPTION: is an article search engine and directory, updated daily. GoArticles is dedicated to meeting the needs of contributing Authors, newsletter Publishers and visitors by providing the best and largest article database on the Web. GoArticles goal is to make great content available to you.
>> was created to be a matching service -- bringing writers and ezine publishers together. Expert Authors & Writers are able to post their articles to be featured within the site. Our searchable database of over 100,000+ quality original articles allows email newsletter publishers hungry for fresh content to find articles that they can use for inclusion within their next newsletter.
>>DESCRIPTION:Free articles for reprint in websites and newsletter. Read topic articles in: arts & entertainment, autos, business, family, finance, pets, self-improvements, health & fitness, etc.
>>DESCRIPTION:Submit your articles for free listing on Article web directory and search engine. Get Rating and review, recent articles, popular articles and get free articles for publication. Free Article & Content Submission.
>> has over 15,000 articles, from over 5,000 authors with 420 categories to chose from! Feel free to submit articles, reprint articles on your site, or just browse through our article directory categories.
>>URL:Articleblotter.comSubmitted by Babri-
>> has Free article and content directory for article authors to submit articles and ezine publishers to search for free content.
>>URL:Articlebase.comSubmitted by Babri-
>> has free online articles directory. Find free articles for your website, eZine or newsletters.
>> is a blog service,article submission and RSS Feed community, 3 in 1 service to ease your finding of a good directory.Great reviews on articles and blogs.
If you have any other article submission site please email me at or leave me a comment and i will have it added in my blog with your website address.

2 Responses to "Article Submission Directories"
July 5, 2007 11:49 AM
Your link is to again.
Evidently articleblotter has been hacked. When I tried to submit an article a rogue antispyware program tried to do a drive by install 3 times. I have used this site in the past and this seems to be a recent development. I tried to contact the site owners/admin but the rogue application made it impossible.I would avoid this site until the problem is fixed.
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