One of these resources is DMOZ. This is known as The Open Directory Project (ODP). This huge directory is powered and expanded by humans. It seems unbelievable that a directory of this size and importance must still be indexed and managed manually but it is.
What exactly is the DMOZ project? It is actually a huge directory, with a large database of indexed documents and websites. Many directories and search engines including Google use its listings database. Netscape handles all the decisions about content, use and operation for DMOZ.
Where does Google come into this picture?
Google gathers data from many sources including directories like DMOZ. Because of its sheer size DMOZ database is a very valuable resource for Google. Because they do everything manually this directory can provide the most reliable data to Google. This will improve their search engine.
More information for the search engine: In fact another good reason for Google to rely on DMOZ is that all data is sifted and indexed manually and will provide information that the automated Googlebots have missed. There is just so much that automated robots can achieve. With this extra information Google can enhance its search engine.
Plus DMOZ is in 175 different languages. This means that Google’s multilingual search engines all over the world can also benefit from the DMOZ database.
DMOZ is accurate: how do they ensure this?
They are very strict with their editors, applying all sorts of rules and regulations for them to follow. This is perfect for Google as they themselves have strict guidelines for the sites and data they have on their search engine.
Submitting to DMOZ: it is free but almost impossible to get in now. Because it is done manually DMOZ is very far behind in submissions. It can often take years to get in. Of course if you do manage to get in your site will be listed automatically in many directories and search engines.
Here comes “wiki” a new player has entered the field and is finding its way into Google’s elite circle. The free encyclopedia Wikipedia, it holds the top positions on many categories on the Google search engine. This is a strong indication that they could be usurping DMOZ place and relationship with Google. The Wiki is also written and handled manually making it a valuable source of information for Google.
Despite the changes that might be in the air for DMOZ it is still a good directory to get into.
Submission is free and if you get in the advantages are quite far reaching. Your website will be included in other directories. More information for your site will be in Google’s database. This will in turn give your site a chance at a better position in Google itself.
From these points you will see that DMOZ is an important factor in the Google machine. This should be taken into consideration when you are trying to raise your Page Rank and get a better position in Google.

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