Do you blog for the mass public's views or do you blog to target a certain niche group of readers on your blog? Today I will share with you, how you are able to attract a general crowd to be interested in your topic yet giving your fair share of interest to your loyal readers who drop by everyday without fail.
Many bloggers have stress the point on communicating to a niche group that your blog targets. For example, if you are a make money online blog, then you should try to write more keyword related information on "Make Money Online" and how you can make more money by using affiliate programs or if you interested in photography, then you should bring topics like how you can use the different lightings and Shots to bring the beauty of the photo you are about to take. Make sure you can define the allies you need so that you can focus your message, resources and strategy where it counts.
Attracting the General Crowd
Where are you able to find this massive and viral crowd from the internet? It is the buzzword one year back though it still works very well with a number of successful network still running. "Social Media" creates a massive large unknown,unique array of visitors to drop by your blog base on "curiousity" and tagged along by the interesting "Blog Title", you have given on your own social network circle.
In most of the social media network system, how it really works, is to receive more votes and thumbsup to push your article to the top and front page and boom, you get the atomic bomb effect on your blog page when thousands of unfamiliar IP addresses stop by your blog to read on your article.
Recently, I have been using as my communicating client to my fellow friends and readers and it is working fairly well, you can try and get your own twitter and do updates regularly and start building your network.
The Niche Readers Who Reads your Blog
If you have a niche topic to talk about on your blog then you would have a strong list of readers who will follow you daily on what you have installed for them. Giving them qualities updates is very important and instead of post that do not make sense or does not have any values instill within. If you have nothing worth blogging, then do not blog and let the days past, it would be better than making irrelevant post which will only make your readers more frustrated.
Jonathan Field had a list of bloggers who answered his question on when to niche or not and these are what some of the bloggers felt:
Maki | - It depends on your goals and resources. If you are creating a blog purely for fun and to satisfy your interests, it doesn’t really make a difference if you build multiple sites or a single blog. If you’re using the blog as a means to generate direct or indirect income, you should probably start by examining your resources to see if you have the time or energy to market and maintain multiple niche blogs.I personally like to create a single blog which encompasses a variety of topics, because all my link building and marketing efforts are concentrated on one place: this can possibly lead to better results because of a naturally greater and more unified focus. One blog to market, one blog to write for. Once the blog has gotten a decent readership, its possible to leverage the attention you’ve gotten by creating smaller niche blogs and sending your audience to them. However, if the topics you plan to explore are too dissimilar, it might be better to build several niche blogs because that allows you to brand them more cohesively. I’ll make sure to keep the amount of blogs to a manageable level (2 to 4 may be optimal).If you have the resources (money + time ), you could build up several niche blogs simultaneously and inter-promote them, especially if they are in related fields. The problem with this approach is that it can be very tiring; you should probably have some prior experience with blog development, along with an intense desire for success. You need to know how to systematically and consistently promote each of your niche blogs.
Leo Babauta | Zen Habits - The question, to me, isn’t the topics or their common thread … it’s your target audience. Does your target audience want to read about all of the topics, or are you really speaking to several audiences. For example, Lifehacker covers a broad range of topics, from tech and gadgets to how-to stuff on the Internet to how to get into shape and wake up earlier. But they have a very defined audience that just gobbles up all of those topics.Now, if you do a technology blog and talk about stay-at-home parenting and scrapbooking, I would split those into different blogs, because they have different audiences. Of course, there will always be a small number of people who share all of your interests, but is that small group of people really your target audience? Figure that out, and you have your course of action already planned.
Yaro Starak | - That really depends on the topics. I’m inclined to focus on one blog only as the blog you write to because I aim for a two hour “blogging” day, and with multiple blogs that can be quite difficult to achieve. So my advice would be to either find a way to make all the topics go together, or drop one or two, build up an audience, and then start branching out when your audience becomes attached to you and your blog, so changing topics now and then doesn’t hurt so much.
For the rest of bloggers who gave their views, Jonathan did a great job in archiving their comments on a post "To niche or Not to Niche"?
Where will you want to start your blogging with? Social media impact or just pure niche marketing audiences that you want to target.
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10 Responses to "Massive Traffic Or Purely Niche Hardwork of Readers?"
August 12, 2008 11:00 AM
Nice post. Sometimes it is hard to pin down your target audience. Great tips to apply to any blog.
August 13, 2008 2:49 AM
The problem with my blog, is i'm ranking for a very good keyword and all I get is people passing through. So basically I need to work on my niche readers, so I can get the comments going.
August 13, 2008 5:51 PM
Thanks for sharing all those blogs but I am already a permanent reader and visit all of them daily. I am not a newbie but I enjoy reading those concepts and new ideas.
August 14, 2008 7:40 AM
Hi Joey, your problem is a major one that many people face, you can start with mini competition looking for targeted sponsors and get your blog partying with attractive prizes to be given away, this could boost your readership and also image for your blog in the near future.
August 16, 2008 10:56 PM
Niche targeted traffic and optimization is going to be very popular in these days and I think this is something very right to do. So for this purpose everything is right which we can do at our best.
August 17, 2008 6:13 PM
Great post. "If you have nothing worth blogging, then do not blog" - I couldn't agree more with that. Some people publish stuff for the sake of having a new post everyday - and they lose the quality that their readers are looking for.
August 24, 2008 11:46 AM
Fantastic post Etienne!
I fully agree with Yaro's two hour blogging day. There is a lot of stuff in my own business that is screaming for my attention. So finding the right balance in building quality content (ever critical) and submitting to all the different social networks is VERY important.
I personally limit my posting to 2 per week, so I can have the best content possible in every entry since my target audience have very little time. Not into those 300-400 word blog posts.
Anyway, great post. Thanks for sharing Etienne. :-)
Kai Wei
March 18, 2009 5:18 AM
Very good advice, both in the post and in the comments.
May 6, 2009 12:30 AM
I always go for niche targeted traffic. You have it small but it coverts.
March 16, 2010 3:44 PM
Niche targetted it's about the money for me :)
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